
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Post Reception Follow-up

The shoes match the scarf - really they do!

First, let me thank those of you who commented on my last few posts about Artwalk. When possible, I like to respond personally to you (although Blogger often doesn't reveal the e-mails of those commenting), but this time I've fallen down on the job. I had dreams of catching up on at least e-mails once the reception was out of the way. Alas, the Big Push left me exhausted, and then I promptly got sick. Actually, I think I was already coming down with something last week, but I told myself - not possible, no time! So, slowly I am surfacing again, hopefully on the mend. Second, now that you know why I've not let you know how it all went, let's rectify that. Here I am, decked out in my Sherrie Spangler custom-made scarf, featuring some of the fabric I dyed last summer. It was sheer coincidence that it matched perfectly a pair of shoes I'd bought on a whim.

Local cover band Owen & McCoy

It was a beautiful evening, allowing the doors to Monarch Mountain Coffee to be thrown open, music from the duo Owen and McCoy wafting out into the street. I was grateful for the fine entertainment because unfortunately, this venue did not get much traffic that night. Traditionally, ArtWalk has had two or three anchor venues that get most of the traffic along with the venues on a direct route between them. My venue was a tad off the beaten path so it suffered a bit. But those who did stop by were very complimentary of my work. I always enjoy getting feedback at these receptions, especially since most of the viewers are not artists themselves. It helps me see my work from a different perspective which is always interesting. Some of the viewers have been following me since I first started exhibiting here and remarked on how I'd grown and branched out. That was very gratifying to hear.

Strawberry Moon - Sold!

The night was topped off by a sale just as things were winding down. Strawberry Moon has a new home with a very nice young couple who summer in the area. I was particularly pleased because it was the husband who spotted it first, lingered over it, asked all kinds of technical questions before consulting with his wife about purchasing. I could see how much both of them were taken with it, especially when the started calling it "Zebra Trees" as they completed the purchase. Zebra trees - yeah, didn't see THAT coming!

First batch of strips for an oval basket

So that's that and with June nearly over, it's time to get back to work. I promised my god daughter back when I was trying out coiled fabric baskets that the next one would go to her. I didn't think it would take me this long to get back to it, and with her birthday right around the corner, I need to hop to it. She thought purple with maybe a touch of orange would fit the bill. As I carefully cut binding strips for Reverberations from what little of the perfect color of hand-dyed fabric I had, I set the remaining scraps aside for her basket. Trimmings of the purple backing fabric were also set aside and are now stripped. And so the next project has begun. 


  1. Glad it was a great show and congrats on that sale!!

  2. Good for you for having a sale. It sounds like you had a great show except for the more obscure location. Positive feedback is always great especially coming from those that might not be artists.

  3. I wish I could have been there in person, but thanks for the photos. I can't believe how good the shoes and scarf work together, and you look fabulous!

  4. Hi Sheila - you've been busy. And sorry I seem to have missed a few posts. It's been busy my end too.

    That's a lovely pic of you. And I hope you soon shake that bug off.

  5. Hi Sheila, thanks for posting.
    I hope you are better.
    Beautiful pictures, specially yours with your matched accessories.
    Zebra trees, indeed... Congratulations, not only for the sale, but I am sure that your art touched the young couple, spoken to their hearts.
    And, for the venue, in my years working in poor and faraway libraries in far faraway areas, I learnt that quality is better than quantity.
    Thanks again!!

  6. Thanks thanks thanks everyone! You can't imagine how much your kind thoughts mean to me. Sherrie - I too wish you had been keep me company and soak in the compliments about your scarf. Lucia, you are so sweet! Here I am, sort of complaining in my post and you are seeing optimistic lessons in there and shoring me up with your observations.

    I think the bug has mostly fled - thanks again for your caring words.
