
Thursday, August 07, 2014


I finished filling out all my documentation sheets early this week, clearing off even more space on the worktable, readying to fill it again with new projects! I put a fresh blade in my rotary cutter and got to work. This Ghana batik is going into the first baby quilt.

As is this snow dye I was less than thrilled with. But it is a good pairing with that batik

I'm freewheeling here, hoping to capture an idea that popped into my head awhile back. I decided not to try to sketch out the image that came to me, but just have faith that as I work with the strips, I can reconstruct it. The strips are cut 2 inches wide with this arrangement just a start to get me going. The blue batik further to the right will also be cut into strips to fill in. This is what I was referring to when I said I was done with circles for awhile, being siren sung by rectangles.

But before I do more to that, I also cut strips for another basket to be given as a housewarming gift. The recipient's favorite color is red and what is left of this very old print should look good as the accent.

Oh, I am SO pleased with how this turned out. I wanted to try another oval basket since my first try didn't turn out quite like I'd envisioned. I really like the baskets with the more vertical sides and I definitely got that with this one.

Another improvement - I managed the sides better to avoid the dip I got with the other one and also did a better job of tapering the end of the clothesline at the finish.

The particular pattern I was using as a guide did not call for the base to be done in the same fabric as the accent band but the red hand-dye I'd chosen was in short supply - not enough of it to do the base too. I actually like this better - a little surprise when you look inside.

This one is a bit smaller than the other oval basket (partly because the sides do not slope out) - I'm tempted to say, not too big and not too small: 9" x 6" and about 4 inches deep. And no need for handles or embellishment to improve it - it's pretty darn perfect as is. I just love it!


  1. Your red basket is great! A local quilt store teaches classes on making these baskets. When I am retired I think I will take the class.

    You have me really curious about the quilt that you are working on. Can't wait to see how it evolves.

    You have been busy. I can't wait to get back to NJ so I can get back to some quilting.

  2. Great looking basket, and I'm liking the strips so far. What a lucky baby.

  3. I know you're not a fan of snow dyes, but that one looks great from here! I kinda like the soft pinks. In any case, you paired it well with the West African batik. Let me know how you like the technique of creating on the design wall (rather than from a sketch. Do you feel it gives you more freedom to let the piece grow and develop as it wants? More like jazz improvisation? Does the sketch book lock you into a design that may not be feasible/possible in the real world?
