
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Second Guessing

I hate this part of the creative process, where dreams fade and second guessing of choices takes over. I ran both the copper Sulky sliver thread and a King Tut variegated cotton through the needle to quilt along the shibori lines. I've done this before with it effectively knocking back the hard line of metallic sheen to an occasional glitter. But it doesn't seem to have worked here and I'm already sensing I'm losing the impact of the shibori, even though I am following its pattern. How much more quilting do I want to do over it - I was thinking to quilt along most of the lines - and with what thread? Perhaps I should stop here and leave well enough alone. I'm also second guessing my decision to use the wool batting. I was expecting it to give more stability than it is, but it is proving to be as flimsy as the Thermore I often use, not at all like the batting sample of it I have in my files. As for the top part of the quilt, the trees and shrubs along the waterline - I have no idea what to do in there, never had a clear idea of what kind of patterning would work beyond the perhaps too obvious lines mimicking branches. I feel stuck...and disheartened. And the camera is still skewing the colors.


  1. Oh I feel your pain.......I've spent so much time on my current struggle this week that I could have made 3 quilts and I still an undecided about how to proceed.....and so it goes.

  2. And so it does, Mary. I had dim hopes that letting it sit overnight would bring some clarity but no. And since it was a "eat a worm" sort of day anyway, I went off & did something else. That's the plus side of having multiple projects lying about & the reminder list at hand. Doing a totally utilitarian task, I found a solution to a dilemma on a different project. Turned that frown right side round! Hope you find a solution soon too.

  3. How about stitching with one metallic and one plain thread? It is difficult to see in the picture which colors you used. Maybe a change of color?

  4. As you know second guessing is my middle name. I am not really sure what you were planning to do with this piece. So I don't know if I can suggest anything. I do see water in the shibori, but don't really see trees or shrubs in the multicolored piece.

    I guess if it were me I would applique a tree that would go over both fabrics to unite them in someway. Could be a nearly bare tree and have your leaves falling off into the water. Otherwise I don't see any connection between the 2 fabrics. Both of them are beautiful, but I feel need to be connected in someway to make them both part of the same scenery. Or could you do something more abstract like Nina-Marie did on her latest blog? The leaves would have to be bigger then and fewer of them. They would have to dominate the scene and become the focal point with lots of wonderful detail in them. Then your fabrics would become the background. Right now the leaves are small so it begs for something larger like a tree.

    But I don't know what you have in your mind for it. Have you sketched out anything? Sorry not to be much help. I have found so often I have a great quilt in my mind, but it does not translate to fabric!

    I know this does not help you, but it does make me feel better when I know that other artists that I admire struggle just like I do! Sorry....I know that does not help....just me being silly! Just goes to show how difficult the creative process can be at times.

    I am sure you will find your solution and the piece will come out great in the end.

    Have a glass or two of wine (great wines out where you live) and mull it over.

