
Friday, November 14, 2014

Back To The Wall

The camera does not do these fabrics justice - batiks & Stonehenge
Hmmm - did I say I wasn't in a big hurry to finish the fountain wall quilt? Yes I did, but I also got down to the quilt shop in the sorta big city this week to check out their batiks and selection of Stonehenge fabrics. At the size I'm wanting to make this, there isn't enough of the fabrics I have on hand that I'd hoped to use. They are old enough that there was little in stock even remotely close to the spotted batik and the grey batik (lower left in above photo), but I may have found fabrics to work with them or replace them all together.

Working on the dining room table

Well, THAT got me fired up. I've been dragging my feet about cleaning up my test print-out to make an accurate pattern, but with fabric at the ready, I couldn't keep myself from tackling the drafting yesterday. I'd originally thought to mark my lines on the printout but worried about keeping everything true and at 90 degree angles. It finally dawned on me that I had a few larger sheets of graph paper I could tape together and lay over the printout. It provided the straight lines I needed to keep on track and once again I was reminded just how much I enjoy the full-size drafting part of designing. I think this is pretty accurate now (although it may be a little confusing to the eye what with the joins in the paper). I still need to check the dimensions of the various sections to see how far my original fabrics might go and then audition these new fabric choices. And I also need to do some small samples to test my ideas about how this will go together technically. I want to try something a bit different from what I've done before using an untried product so before I go committing to the large version, best I see if it will actually work as I envision. The bowls, books and bags have been sidelined for the moment...


  1. Hurry up......grinning....I can't wait to see what your are doing!!

  2. I agree! hurry so I can see these fabrics together! Love them and they look perfect for a stone wall.

  3. Push, shove, push, shove. What would we do without our friends who push and shove us along? It's working, you know... ;-)

  4. That's what friends are for! But we only do it in the nicest way...

  5. Sounds like you solved that problem! Ahh--Stonehenge fabrics. I like those, too. So full of texture! But no one sells them around here. My mom bought a kit from Keepsake Quilting featuring Stonehenge--I asked her for the scraps. ;)
