
Tuesday, January 06, 2015

A New Year...And Still Playing Catch Up

Diane Phalen calendar
Although the first day of 2015 was last Thursday, the first working day of the year for most people was yesterday. And so with new calendars up and out in the studio, that rule #7 nagging at me ("The only rule is work"), I settled into a quick project to start the discipline of regular studio time. A padfolio was needed to go with the one already made that was, yes, meant as a Christmas present for a special person. Perhaps you know how it is with the special people in our lives that we like to give gifts to. They often get married and suddenly you can no longer send just one gift, but must include the spouse as well. That's my excuse for the box with a little something in it turning into a New Year's greeting.

When I realized the need for this second one over a month ago, I'd pinpointed these already printed designs as appropriate for the husband. Midway through last year, I'd run across half a dozen padfolio covers leftover from previous printing runs. I didn't need them all at the time and just never got back to them - out of sight, out of mind. I'm thinking it wouldn't hurt to keep going with them to have some ready for gifts or for sale. In the meantime, this would act as a warm-up of sorts. And a warm-up I apparently need. Oops - I got so focused on fusing to the Peltex that I forgot to do any "quilting" before fusing in the lining. I'm not sure what I would have done anyway with this pattern. And now to decide on thread for the satin stitch finish. There are always so many options, a decision left for today.

In the end, I chose plain black cotton thread, although I was this close to using a charcoal. This lining fabric did not print perfectly, a glitch toward the bottom that you can see between the dark grey pockets. I normally hesitate to use a really interesting design inside since so much of it will be covered up. Here it was a blessing. Would you believe that both the cover and the lining were generated with software filters of the same photo of icicles? Coincidentally, that photo was taken about this same time back in 2008. I shared the photo and some of the manipulations in this post, and printed ones made into padfolios here.

I experimented with a different way to attach an elastic cord for a closure, sewing the ends into a side seam satin stitching rather than on the flap as I did on the tree padfolios. It works but I'm not sure how much I like it. I think it would have looked better inserted into the stitching along the back cover edge, not the front cover edge.

Still, I think it looks quite nice and I think the spouse will like it (as I like him). I look forward to making up the other icicle manipulation that is printed out, remembering to quilt it this time, and picking out a different sort of lining and thread. It's always nice to have one more thing out of the closet and ready for use.

After the snow subsided yesterday

Speaking of icicles, or at least icicle weather, we've had more snow - about 14 inches over 36 hours. This is not me, but a neighbor across the street. She and her husband take turns at the snow-blower, and after  previous lighter snowfalls, have cleared my driveway as well, to my surprise. But as you can see, they have their hands full taking care of their own, and I have nearly cleared my driveway by working at it a bit at a time over three days. I have to admit it is good exercise shoveling snow. I just hope it doesn't become a daily task!


  1. That pad folio! It is very chic! And you are right it probably was not have benefited much from too much quilting. And I can see from the photograph that winter has arrived with you and with it the snow. In good old Blighty we've had some severe frosts but, thankfully, no snow as yet. We are not very good with snow. At least, not here in my parts of the UK (in Scotland and North Yorkshire where snow is much more common they cope with it much better). In fact last year we did not get any smoke at all, instead we had terrible winter storms that brought flooding and wind damage particularly in the Southwest and along the coast.

    All the best


  2. GREAT project.....such a clever use of your photo....with the creation of such interesting fabric. I'm sure your friend's DH will love it. **The constract of the black (or nearly black) stitching is perfect.

  3. I hate shoveling snow. Our new house is a single family home in a condo development so they do all the outside stuff. So I won't have to shovel snow, rake leaves, or weed. I love your photo manipulations. And you know I love your padfolios. I will have to get mine out and start using it.

  4. Thanks for your kind comments on the padfolio - I do like the way it came out.

    Hilary - this last snowfall definitely comes under the heading of an inconvenience. ;-) Hoping your weather stays manageable. Bundle!

    Chris, I know I am the odd person out who actually enjoys shoveling snow...up to a point! This snowfall exceeded that point. ;-) Yes, you should be using your padfolio to plan out your days now that you are retired, or to keep track of construction on the new place as it proceeds. Ah - a house in condo development! Now I'm with you on the joy of not having to rake leaves or pull weeds.
