
Thursday, January 15, 2015

What's In Store

A plan of sorts for the year has been emerging. I see 3 areas of focus I wish to concentrate on rather than thinking in terms of individual projects. I'm sure I will bounce back and forth between them, but the strongest one at the moment is the art journaling lessons. All the supplies have arrived and the journal itself is ready to be worked in. I'm partly doing this just for me, for my own enjoyment, but I also hope that some of the lessons learned and materials experimented with will transfer to my fiber art. I can so easily get absorbed in the learning, fascinated with the process and outcome, but then not know what to do with these new "tools in the toolbox." This time, I'm sensing there will be a more direct link between learning and applying.

The second focus comes out of conversations with Michele of Sweet Leaf Notebook. We both enjoyed the challenge we crafted last year, pushing each other to do a different technique on, for me a padfolio, and for her a journal. Our challenge is different from most in that we don't work on the same thing or start from the same place. There's no common theme or technique or piece of fabric that we have to use. No, we craft a personal challenge with the help of each other's observations, questions, encouragement, finding something that feels right at the moment, something we need a push on to get us working on the exploration. Michele thought I should think about thread sketching, perhaps using some of my urban sketches for inspiration. I had to admit, I'd been saving thread sketching articles for years and even tried it once in a journal quilt. The idea of using your sketchbook as inspiration for thread sketched fiber pieces popped up in a lot of places last year, coupled with the idea of coloring them in with paint or colored pencils. The more Michele nudged, the more I started seeing things on thread sketching everywhere I looked. It felt like the perfect storm that I should give in to. So I've taken on the challenge of experimenting with thread sketching which I hope will culminate in a piece that can be part of my ArtWalk exhibit.

And that brings me to my third focus, finishing three new pieces for ArtWalk 2015. I have two on their way - the shibori piece and the fountain wall piece. There's another very near completion that I put aside in 2012 that might be the best choice for number three. I have less than 3 months to have 3 pieces photo-shoot ready to submit with my application. So I must get to work, regardless of what the sirens say. 

I plan to keep my exhibiting to a minimum again this year, so have not thought much about the next art quilts beyond those I'm working on, though I know there are many ideas in the hopper. I'm just not thinking about them right now, although I must admit that my mound of silk ties is begging for my attention. I'll continue with my urban sketching and maybe do more sketching in general as I learn how to use some of the art journaling supplies. No doubt there will be more baskets, a bag or two, and maybe even a dye experiment that's been on my mind. And I must not forget that the nephew's birthday blocks come back to me this year to become a completed quilt for him. And then there's that lap quilt pinned and ready for quilting...

Good thing I've identified 3 main areas of focus! I've already experienced some "spin cycle" moments in the studio.  


  1. It sounds like you're already off to a good start by identifying areas of focus. It's got me thinking that I should set some goals, too.

  2. Wow areas of focus. I am still in the project mode mentality. I think about what projects I want to accomplish this year. I just what to get a lot of things done and use up a lot of fabric!

  3. Just 3 areas of focus? Sounds like you have a busy year planned. Just the Art Walk pieces would be enough of a challenge, my dear!
