
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Three Things To Stop Doing and One To Do

While you're waiting for me to make some showable progress, do take the time to watch this short video from a gal who has quickly become a favorite of mine - how Angela Walters has such sage advice at this young age and in such a warm inviting way is beyond me! I particularly like her story about her quilting grandfather which reminded me a bit of my good friend LeAnn and her father back in Wisconsin. Enjoy! 

One of the reasons I don't have anything new to show is because I've spent the last few days pulling together what I needed to enter a couple of quilts in this year's Sacred Threads show. That included setting up properly to retake photos that were initially shot quickly in not the best lighting resulting in less than true colors.

I've wanted to have a quilt in this exhibit since its inception, but never quite coordinated a suitable quilt with the call for entries timeline. But with the making of Bubble Prayers - Release and Life's End, I've been waiting patiently for the next call, feeling strongly that I wanted to share these quilts in this venue.

I haven't felt the need to enter any kind of exhibit, juried or not, requiring hefty entry fees, really good photographs and shipping to faraway places since moving to Sandpoint, where I've found ample exhibiting opportunities through my local arts council. But this is different, this is a very special exhibit, and these are special quilts about a very special person. Crossing fingers one or both will make the cut.


  1. Thanks! I watched that video - and she is so right!

  2. Really excellent advice from Angela Walters! Thanks for sharing. That kind of advice would work for any kind of art/craft. In fact, I think I'm going to watch it again, and take notes this time! Good luck with the shows--I'm sure you'll get something in the show!
