
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy Quilting Day!

In case you missed it, today in National Quilting Day. Actually, this holiday has been expanded as of late and this year is being celebrated as a worldwide event including the entire weekend. Well, why not?

So you dang well better be doing something quiltie today, be it working in your studio, sewing with a group, demoing in public, viewing quilts somewhere or checking out some shops that will be more than willing to help you add to your stashes.

As for me, I'm moving forward on the fountain wall quilt. I've thought about all you've said in answer to my question about the variations I'm considering, plus input on Facebook and from my art group. I was rather surprised that there was not more differing of opinion. Variation 4 is the overwhelming favorite, and I have to admit it appears the best choice even though I still really want to do Variation 2. Variation 4 was still on the design wall this morning, so to be extra sure, I switched out some fabric into Variation 2. Yes, I like it, but my eye did the same thing I remember it doing every time I've had this one up. It moves toward a whiter vertical texturing in the brown fabric. It's a distraction that keeps the eye or at least my eye, from the focus of the quilt, which really is the dark water section in the middle. So onward!

What are you doing to celebrate Quilting Day?


  1. Not doing much quilty today. Mostly dealing with house stuff. Tomorrow I plan on sewing while my hubby is out bagpiping. A big week ahead on the house so I am a bit distracted right now. I would say go with your gut on the stone quilt.

  2. Hi Sheila, thanks for your post, I even didn't know that today is Quilting Day!
    Tsk, tsk...
    Well, I must confess that this part of going shopping in the fabric stores to increase my stashs is the most near alternative to me!
    Thanks again!

  3. I didn't know it was Quilting Day! well I did some stitching on my personal symbols cloth Sunday, so I guess that counts. You have been working on some interesting projects Beauty. it seems you never stop. Good for YOU!

  4. When I belonged to a quilt guild, I was very tuned in to this event every year. I usually helped plan something for the willing in the group to participate in - so much fun sewing together if nothing else. I must admit, it nearly slipped by me this year and I was glad to see that it had been expanded to a 3-day observance - just in case you were busy on Saturday but could do something on one of the other days. I think you all have done your part - even if it was just good intentions. ;-)

    Cathy - I always enjoy when you share a snippet of your work on the personal symbols cloth. I think you work on some interesting projects too - especially some of the painting you are doing. It all feeds the creative spirit!

  5. Hi Sheila. I'm not sure why I've not visited your fascinating blog before. As you will know from mine, I'm not a quilter but I've enjoyed what I've seen here. Also, I love your gentle drawings - they are beautiful and give such a lovely picture of your neighbourhood.

  6. Thank you so much, Margaret, for your kind words about my blog and my drawings. Sometimes I wonder about the fascinating part so that was good to hear!

    I've always derived so much by observing the work and explorations of artists outside of quilting, even though quilting is my main means of art expression. That you incorporate stitch in a somewhat different way than myself plus use photo references drew me to your blog and has kept me there.
