
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

POAC Fiber and Quilt Exhibit

Eisenberg Fountain: The Healing Power of Water - Sheila Mahanke Barnes ©2015
As promised, I may have a slightly better photo of Eisenberg Fountain for you, although it is hung at the exhibit near a light sconce so the lighting is a bit uneven. But it is truer in color and does not make the center portion so very dark, which it is not.

Sailing the Wine Dark Sea I & II flank Eisenberg Fountain at POAC Exhibit

Artist Statement
During a 3 month stint supporting a friend getting treatments at the Mayo Clinic, I discovered many fountains throughout the campus where we could retreat from the intensity of her schedule for a brief respite. We searched out other waters around town to restore our souls. Moving water has always calmed me but now I understood the healing power of water in a deeper way. Once home, I began studying water with an eye towards interpreting it in fiber: how it moves, how while colorless itself, it takes on the colors of what it flows over or is reflected in or is seen through it, and ultimately how moving water has healing properties.

The exhibit runs through June 5, 2015. The opening reception is this Friday, April 17, from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. at Columbia Bank, 414 Church Street in Sandpoint, ID. I'm also displaying the two Sailing the Wine Dark Sea quilts from last year's ArtWalk. They didn't get a lot of exposure and the curator agreed it would be ok to include them.


  1. Looks great as do the wine dark seas pieces. How exciting it must be to have your art displayed. Congrats.

  2. The exhibit photo really emphasizes the mood and clearly illustrates the successful interpretation of the work.

  3. Hi Sheila!
    Thanks for sharing your pictures of exposed Eisenberg Fontain.
    I liked your statement, it reminded me Judi because of Mayo Clinic.
    And your Dark Wine pieces are beautifl, make a color contrast with Eisenberg Fontain.
    I hope the exposition be a success.

  4. It looks wonderful. I found the statement very interesting and you've translated that feeling of calm and flow so well.

  5. Thank you all! While the exhibit reception was not as well attended as some, those there were the usual knowledgeable bunch asking all the right questions and giving great feedback. To my surprise, I got literal thumbs up from several men regarding the fountain wall quilt. Something about it seemed to appeal to the guys who came. It was an enjoyable evening, reminding me just when I needed it why I do this, why I exhibit, why I settled here in Sandpoint.
