
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Introducing Agnes Herczeg

Needlelace & wood wall sculpture by Agnes Herczeg
Thanks to the Textile Arts group on Facebook, I have discovered Agnes Herczeg whose work I have fallen in love with. I've seen nothing quite like it, and it has totally transformed my idea of what lacework can be - truly an art form, not just decorative. 

Needlelace and ceramic wall sculpture by Agnes Herczeg

This Hungarian artist has a most interesting background of textile conservation, traditional handicraft techniques, and use of natural materials.  She couples her lacework with wood, bark, coconut, and ceramics that she molds herself.

Needlelace and coconut shell by Agnes Herczeg

From her "about me" page:

"Design is a significant part of the creative process because I have to think through not only the visual appearance of the work but its overall structure and the order of the individual steps. Lace-making is an extremely time consuming occupation; it takes several days just to complete a small piece." 

A peek into Agnes Herczeg's process

Indeed, it is obvious that a lot of thought goes into each work, a form she calls "wall sculpture". All of her work is intriguing but it is what she does with faces that truly captivates me.

A recent wall sculpture by Agnes Herczeg

For a long time now, I've felt that a true artist must have a vision; everyone else is just dabbling. Agnes Herczeg is an artist in my eyes, with a vision that really appeals to me. Thanks to Agnes for giving me permission to post pictures of her work here. Check out her website, Wall Decoration With Lace or her Facebook page and be amazed!

Needlelace and bark by Agnes Herczeg


  1. Golly - this is beautiful. Thanks for the introduction. Xxx

  2. Beautiful work! Thanks for sharing.
