
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Reverberations Has A New Home

Me with my goddaughter and her husband - garden wedding 2013

I had a visit this week from my goddaughter and her husband. When they were married almost two years ago (yes, they are barefoot in the picture), I offered as my wedding present their choice of one of my art quilts. Their plans for visiting last summer fell through but not to worry; that just gave them more art to choose from when they finally arrived!

I probably would not have offered this if I hadn't known in advance that they liked my work. (The goddaughter's parents have several of my works in their collection and she informed me that she blog stalks!) In fact, they mentioned hoping someday to be able to afford to purchase a piece. Not to worry - you've just solved my gift giving dilemma!

Still, I work in so many different styles, themes and colors, and know so little about their own preferences that it made sense to let them pick and choose. I was very curious to see what would appeal to them. Over the course of their stay, they narrowed it down to three apparently, with "Reverberations" being their top choice. I couldn't be more pleased, in fact found myself hoping that perhaps it would be the one. It's a favorite of mine, but not so much so that I wouldn't be able to part with it. It's such a good feeling to know it will be enjoyed beyond my own walls, in the home of a couple so special to me. 

Reverberations by Sheila Mahanke Barnes ©2014


  1. Isn't it fun when someone likes your work as much as you do or perhaps even more!

    Are the squares and rectangles fused on or bleached out or?? Inquiring minds you know.

    Susan in PT

  2. Oh that is just lovely.

    They look a lovely couple, they really do, and so lovely that they chose something from you. That is really special.


  3. Oh, definitely fused on, Susan. I do not have the guts to try bleaching out a one-of-a-kind dyed piece of fabric! I had a small strip of a hand-dye that I thought would work with the larger background piece and started cutting squares and rectangles until it was mostly gone. See this blog post:

    And this one for stitching and finishing touches:

    And Hilary, I'm sure Sarah and Greg will like that you think they look the lovely couple! And for me, one of the best parts of being a part of their lives is the fantastic hugs I get when I see them. :-)

  4. What a handsome and lucky couple to now be the keeper of one of your masterpieces!!

  5. Hi Sheila!
    Thanks for sharing bits and pieces of your lovely family.
    I liked the picture of you and the couple, I hope they live a happy married life.
    And they have a wonderful taste!
    Thanks again!

  6. Thank you, Lucia - it's a favorite picture of mine. And of course I agree with you about their wonderful taste!

    They did share that they have a wall in their home that they've been looking for a sun image for. That kaleidoscope manipulation read as a sun to them and the colors of the quilt will fit with the other artwork and the mood they are creating on that wall. That was one of my main concerns about this piece - its color and how so many people choose artwork to match their decor. Even if they like a piece, you can see the wheels turning, wondering if they DARE put something pink or purple on the wall.
