
Friday, December 18, 2015

Almost there...

Was pretty excited to see that bright green among the subtler colors
Look at these beauties I've just added to my thread stash. A friend alerted me that a quilt shop had opened within walking distance of me (good news since we've been without a quilt shop for months, bad news because it's so close!), and I was thrilled to find they are carrying my favorite King Tut variegated threads. Since the shop that got me onto this thread closed its doors 3 or so years ago, I lost that luxury of a few minutes drive when I found myself in the middle of a project lacking the right color of thread or unexpectantly running out. Suddenly, it was an hour drive to the nearest shop carrying it (in limited colors) or peer at the computer screen wondering if the thread really would be that color if I ordered on-line, then wait wait wait. I nearly swooned when I spotted the display, and did some stocking up during their grand opening sale.

I often use this King Tut thread on my padfolios. I really like its short run in the varegations and slightly thinner weight than a standard cotton thread. It works so well for the satin stitching, giving coverage without undue buildup when I make the second pass around the outside edge for durability. It's been so lovely getting reacquainted with my machine, listening to its familiar hum and appreciating its stitching precision (put up those feeddogs and it is much more precise than I will ever be!). Apparently, it is over being a bit miffed at me for spending my time elsewhere for so long, laying down beautiful satin stitching without a hitch on this near-final step of the padfolios.

The first 5 ready for closures

I have missed the deadline of having these ready for holiday gift-giving purchase, but as I saw that goal slipping away, I sensed a different, more important goal had taken its place, a sort of getting back on the horse of how I used to work in the studio, reestablishing routines and sustaining my momentum. It has been a surprise and a relief to find myself truly enjoying working through this little production run, and to be able to work at my previous 3 to 4 hour stints with ease. No sense of drudgery, no checking the clock and wondering why the hands had hardly moved, little frustration thinking through steps and material selections, no physical draining. This is the way creating should be, should feel. It's good to have it back. I'm encouraged and hopeful that I may have finally gotten on top of those medical issues that have been holding me back all year.

Oh look! An elastic cord the perfect color.

So even though I've missed that marketing deadline, and I really should be tending to my Christmas cards, I'm not setting these aside to be finished up later. It's a little something I need to do for myself, seeing this through to completion, remembering how I used to work, remembering how much I enjoyed doing this, looking forward to that triumphal moment when I can step back and admire what I've accomplished. I only have the closures to suss out - mostly velcro or magnets, but perhaps a button or tie or elastic on some. Then a quick application of a protectant spray and they will be ready for sale. I have to say, I am really in love with this batch, love the fabrics and all the little things I learned from them (really - a different approach to design decisions than one makes on art for the wall or quilt for the bed - a little epiphany that is probably obvious to most). And that might have a little something to do with how well they have gone. What started with a sense of obligation to a potential customer turned into a personal journey of pleasure and rediscovery.


  1. Oh YEAH!!!! you really ARE feeling better……..

  2. King Tutt is probably my fave too. Has to be an online purchase for me though, we just don't have the coverage here.

  3. Those padfolios are truly awesome! Happy Holidays!! Hugs.

  4. Dear Sheila, thanks for updating and sharing with us these good news.
    How good you have a store near you again! Great diversion there!
    Here in Guarulhos city we have some fabric stores but the real, big stores are all in the capital, Sao Paulo city, so I go there only some times a year.
    Your bought threads are beautiful and your padfolios are magnificent and I think you are right: the most important thing is being pleased with your production because Christmas or no Christmas, it is certain that your padfolios will meet happy customers soon.
    Thanks again for updating, you always made me smile!

  5. Thank you for your support, Lucia, and such kind comments. Yes, one must keep things in perspective! So nice to know I make you smile because your comments always make me smile too. I don't buy much fabric anymore - I have SO MUCH already, but it appears I have replaced fabric buying for thread buying. :-) An occasional trip to a big store farther away to restock can be a real treat and an adventure. sometimes even overwhelming. Glad to hear you have some resources both close to home and a little farther away.

  6. Sounds like you are back in your groove! Hurray! That new way of working ... sounds like you are tuning in to something, and making it more of a partnership with the materials than trying to birth something all on your own (which can be very trying, I know ...) Congratulations!
