
Monday, March 07, 2016

The Rest of the Triple Threat Exhibit Fiber Art

The offerings in the Fiber Art section of POAC's Triple Threat Exhibit are quite varied this year. First up, some enticing and truly wearable Wearable Art by Pat Congleton, who says in her artist statement that she loves "inventing ways to mix textures, stripes and vintage fabric."

A closer look at this one shows how she sometimes leaves edges loose and ragged, but overall, the garment is finished impeccably.

She included a diagram that shows the steps in doing the pleating that is inserted in this garment. It's a shibori method done wrapped on a pipe. Unfortunately, the photo I took is too blurry to read. Click on the photo and any others in this post for the larger version where you can more easily see the details.

What fiber art exhibit would be complete without some weaving? 

Be sure to click on the photo - I left the larger view quite big so you can really see what's in that wall piece.

Trying to get this gal to join our art group. She uses her own marbled and hand-dyed fabrics as well as stenciling to create her work that is backed with Peltex to give it that great look when hung.

And one last art quilter who I wouldn't mind having join our group. She explained her process on these pieces as laying down paint (in this case white) over canvas, then stitching the designs, then painting within the designs and finishing up with more stitching in the painted design areas to bring out details. 

Because of the heavy canvas and the paint, she uses no batting or other material on the back, but adds a binding to finish. Hilary G., does this give you ideas?

Stay tuned - favorites from the LittleBig portion of the exhibit is up next! 


  1. Oh stop!!

    My problem is I have ideas - almost too many to manage (they're like errant children) and not enough time or energy ......

    Seriously, what a fabulous exhibition this is.


  2. Amazing work, yours included!

  3. OOH! I love that wearable art by Pat Congleton with its wonderful textures ... but would you dare wear it?

  4. Hilary, I couldn't resist calling you out, but mostly because that last piece did remind me a bit of what you've been doing with your leaf prints readying them for the blue and white exhibit.

    Your problem is my problem as well. The new ideas refuse to wait in line until I've worked on ones that tickled my imagination before them. Couldn't they just wait in the wings a bit before making their grand entrance? I have more time than you but truly the having energy is what I've been struggling to recapture. Well, we must not give up just because the mind is overflowing and the body can't keep up!

    The exhibit though -indeed fabulous and it did give me a boost also. I'm hoping I can keep enough work flowing to be able to be involved in more of these local exhibits this year. It definitely is a positive driving force.

  5. Thanks, Connie! I have to say it is quite exciting to show my work along with these fine pieces. We don't always have such a strong showing so I was very pleased.

  6. Isn't Pat's work wonderful, Margaret? And yes, I WOULD dare wear it. Pat is very tall and willowy and wears her work to all the receptions and in fact everywhere she goes, and you can imagine how fabulous she must look in it. My art group friend Meg has a teenage daughter who has sprouted up tall and willowy too and she was offering to model the pieces at the reception,, twinkle in her eye, because what she REALLY wanted was to make off with one of them!
