
Monday, May 16, 2016

Trees, Flowers, and a Blog

Friend and art group member Meg of the Unforgettable Tree has revamped her website and resumed blogging in earnest. Do go take a peak at and leave a comment so she doesn't feel she is talking to the ether. As she promised, she has been adding bits to the tree every few weeks. Look for a robin and its nest, a little girl watering plants and more leaves. You may also find her process of interest. For instance, the additions to the tree on exhibit are auditioned first on a similar prototype tree living in her studio.

And now for some real flora. I finished up "putting in my garden" over the weekend with this final find to round out the color in the planters on my deck. This one will be an orangy yellow and tall, and I was quite amused at what I read when I turned back the tag. Now THAT'S my kind of plant - abuse me please! No full picture of the garden yet as not everything is in bloom, but the pansies have been replenished, I added some very spicy-smelling carnations (for which I had to scare up a suitable planter) and the dianthus has wintered over yet again.

I'm quite pleased with the geraniums I found this year. I've been looking for Ivy geranium for the copper washtub for years to no avail. I remember a "Martha Washington" variety that looked so lovely in it, back when I lived in a turn of the century house with a big front porch that was the perfect spot for the washtub turned planter. And then I wasn't seeing any ivy geranium at all. The blooms on these are quite a bit smaller than the variety of geraniums I've been enjoying the last few years. That's ok - I was ready for a change. How is your garden growing?


1 comment:

  1. Speaking of geranims…..we too have had difficulities finding them….not just a particular kind….but finding any around here is so problematic……..not sure why….perhaps it’s just not a popular flower for our region. But, it’s one of ours… dependable and beautiful to grow.
