
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Little Art, A Little Craft

Let's start with the craft. One of the things I did last week as I was recuperating was finish up this neck warmer . . . just in time for summer! I stalled out on it months ago when there was only a few inches left to go. I knew I'd be facing an edge finish I'd not done before (I-cord which also made the buttonhole loops) and although the variation on a cable stitch was not hard, it required a bit more attention than the pattern stitch on the preceding earwarmers. I was struggling with new meds and syndrome flares for several months over the winter and I'm thinking that I just sighed with fatigue any time I thought of picking it up.

But it is done now, with buttons added that I wish I could remember their original purpose, ones I salvaged when whatever garment they'd been added to was no longer wearable. They live again to please me whenever I button up this soft and warm alpaca yarn wrap.

As for the art part, I've been meaning to share a post found on the blog Paperiaarre. A friend who knew I had an interest in bookbinding pointed me to Kaija's blog knowing I would appreciate the masterful and interesting bookbinding there. But Kaija also does the most fascinating multi-media pieces, some quite tiny, all immaculately executed. I have mixed emotions about mixed media in general, often feeling like I'm looking at hodgepodges thrown together with not much rhyme or reason. Kaija's work appeals and fascinates because it is evident she has spent much time gathering just the right things to put together, using old photographs, text cut from books, vintage beads, lace and buttons, and more. Like me, maybe even more so than me, she is an artist for whom attention to detail is paramount, and her work never looks cluttered. This particular "Mixed Media Monday" post will give you a feel for her work, and features a piece I just love for its simplicity and invitation to let your imagination wander. Such a perfect match of photo and text in "Your Favourite Delight."

To view more of this Finnish artist's work, check out her Etsy Shop.


  1. The neck warmer is lovely and will surely be appreciated come winter.

  2. Those buttons remind me of the ones that were always sewn onto my father's sports jackets (probably a very British item of male attire). They bring back happy memories.

  3. Thank you so much for your sweet words!

  4. Lovely neckwarmer! I'm sure it'll come in handy next winter. Katja's work IS gorgeous. Hope you're fully well again.

  5. A rare photo of you! I think your hair was longer in other pics I've seen of you. Nice to see you! And the neckwarmer turned out well, too -- including the button. I was looking for some kind of button - or something on the portrait pic, and was glad to see one in the detail. I knew you wouldn't let that slide by. Thanks for the mixed media artist recommendation--I'll check her out.

  6. Ahh! Margaret, you've jogged my memory!!! My buttons were ones I chose for a sweater I knit my late husband probably back in the 1980's. It was a pullover with a short neck opening that buttoned up a little like a Henley shirt. I was sure they'd been used on some knitted wear but I couldn't think of any of my own clothes that might have sported them. Oh my, now I too have a happy memory and will think of my husband whenever I wear it. Thanks!

    Yes, Michele, the hair IS a little short right now and yes, I don't feature photos of myself very often. I hate taking selfies and aren't around others often enough to find myself being shot with the ubiquitous cell phone cameras of friends. Do find time to look at Kaija's blog - it is an oasis of calm and inspiration in a very noisy art world.
