
Saturday, June 18, 2016

My Little Corner of ArtWalk

Time to get out the splashy party shoes - POAC'S annual ArtWalk kicked off last night!

Somewhere between printing the brochure and hanging the work at Columbia Bank, I got shifted from the second floor to the main floor. Actually kind of nice as it put me right in the middle of the other textile artists

Third Mondays art group member Cheryl was at one end . . .

. . . and another art group member Meg at the other. Look what has happened to her amazing tree! While I recovered enough from my bout with a virus to attend the reception, Meg had just come down with a cold and decided to stay home and keep it to herself. I wish she could have seen the reactions to her tree. Well, I'll be passing some of that along.

Peeking around the water feature to see where the action was

This actually wasn't a prime spot, being located behind the water feature and elevator. Most people took the stairs at the opposite end straight up to the second floor and its food and wine, then gravitated up to the third floor. My work was hung near the food table at the last exhibit and frankly, I didn't mind the quieter space this time, where I could pull up a chair, and have conversations that could be heard without raising my voice over the socializing crowds. And we were also on the way to the restrooms, so between that and the elevator, we did get some traffic! After the initial first hour rush, I wandered up to the second floor hoping to capture a picture of the fabulous food as well as a bite or two to take back with me but it had all been scarfed up!

As I anticipated, my three pieces looked pretty good grouped together. I always find it interesting to see which piece most people gravitate towards, and especially which seem to appeal most to the men. There's always at least a few guys that look like they've been dragged there by their wives and really aren't too interested in viewing the art; when there's a response from one of them, it's particularly rewarding. "Eisenberg Fountain - Retreat" got more interest and comments than I thought it would, and just like the full-size version, it particularly seemed to appeal to men. One women elaborated on what she liked - its abstract nature, asymmetry and precision in execution (oh be still my heart!). I don't know if she recognized it for what it was, but as in all art, it hardly matters. She LIKED it. "Rift" got nearly as much attention but fewer comments, just long leaned-in looks, often with finger to lip, and occasionally an indication of really liking it too. I suspect the rapt study was trying to figure out what that thing was in there - at least one person inquired about the painted and distressed piece of tyvek. "Family" also got attention, and a few smiles. Renaming it was apparently the right thing to do; one woman pointed at the partial circle on the right and laughed, saying "Oh, there's always an odd one out in a family!" Which is always what I saw in that circle too - old Uncle Bob that we all tolerate and wish he'd stop telling bad jokes. And then there was the young man who came rushing off the elevator, pointing a finger repeatedly at "Family" as he breezed on by. Yeah, I think that meant he liked it too.

I'll have to go back next week to get pictures of the art on the other floors. In the meantime, here are the rest of Cheryl's art quilts in our little corner of ArtWalk. They all feature her hand-dyed and/or hand-marbled fabrics.

Beautiful Garden by Cheryl Lipari

Glamour Girl by Cheryl Lipari

Marbled Leaves by Cheryl Lipari

Fluttering Ferns by Cheryl Lipari



  1. How fantastic. It is fascinating, isn't it, to see which works people gravitate towards. Last year I remember people really liking my velvet pieces. I didn't hang them this year. But instead people seemed to gravitate towards a still life. It's quite 'free' and out there though it doesn't really do it for me ( though I did create it!)

    Loving the party shoes, by the way!

  2. Your pieces DO look great together….cute shoes, and a wonderful place to display art!

  3. Congratulations on another successful Art Walk! Really neat to see how that Tree has grown -- It looked so neat before (at the last show), but I never expected her to add the tree house and the kid! Glad you're feeling better!

  4. I'm glad it all went well and that you recovered enough to enjoy the night!

  5. So much fun! Your work shows so well and the positive comments are well deserved. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Dear Sheila, I liked too much the way you started your post: your sandals and you up!!
    Thanks for sharing yours and your textile art group members pictures of your art pieces.
    It is so pleasing seeing that you are healthy again.

  7. Oh, thank you everyone for your lovely comments. Yes, those shoes instantly make me feel better whenever I wear them! :-)
