
Saturday, October 22, 2016

INKtober - 3rd Week Wrap

Are you as surprised as I am that I've not run out of unique cups to sketch? I knew I had a lot of individual cups and mugs but this has really opened my eyes to how many I have. Some I only drink coffee from (I wrote a post here about designated coffee cup for each day of the week - perhaps you'll recognize the ones I've sketched.), others are just for tea while a few have been known to hold either brew. One in particular is a favorite for hot chocolate, with or without coffee or brandy added. One smaller one that has a saucer is perfect for hot buttered rum while some other small ones picked up during my food service days make handy portion control icecream dishes with handles. And then there's that punch cup that's never used at all. You might think I never get rid of a mug unless it breaks, but while packing for the last move, I actually culled out some mugs I'd tired of or that meant nothing to me because my cupboard space at the new place was limited. As for cracked and/or chipped mugs - they merely move into a different function as pencil or toothbrush holder. I may verge on being a hoarder, but I'd prefer to think I'm just thrifty and sentimental.

I finally figured out why I was struggling with proportions (cup width too narrow, handles too wide. I'd been sketching with the pad flat on the table which meant I was not looking at the page straight on. Once I tipped it more or less parallel to the cup so I was seeing what I drew at the same angle I was viewing the cup, I came much closer to right on the first tries. Also, I quit drawing the oval opening of the cup first which seemed to make a difference. Suddenly I'm not struggling with the shape of the handles; I'm thinking the practice each day of studying the shape and drawing it is doing its magic of improving eye/hand coordination. Without so much struggle, the exercise becomes more fun. And then I wonder if I can make it more challenging, as with the lower left mug that has been turned to show the detail on the outer edge of the handle. Another of my elaborate floral cups, but that day I was not feeling the intimidation and really enjoyed the detailed drawing and fill-in work.

Just one week and a few days to go . . . and I'm not running out of cups! And here I thought I might have to supplement with sugar bowls and creamers and maybe a teapot to make it through the month.


  1. Well done for keeping going and well done for having so many glorious mugs, and Bloomin well done for have hot chocolate with brandy or buttered rum!!!

    I planned to do inktober - I failed miserably.

    I'll find you the paintings by Debbie Geirge ( I think) she paints lots of mugs!

    Have you had snow yet? We are still in balmy Autumn though a few morning frosts to remind us what is round the corner.

  2. Dare I say, Hilary, there's always next year for you? Or perhaps October simply isn't a good month for you to add something like this to your days. At any rate, don't be too hard on yourself because you do many other creative things when you can fit them in. :-) Do I sense a kindred soul of hot alcoholic drinks? If only we could share a round and a laugh on a wintry night! No snow yet except a little on the higher peeks surrounding us. Been a cold and wet month, at least some rain all but a handful of days. I manage to find a window of opportunity most days to walk in the dry and have enjoyed watching the leaves turn, especially on the cotton woods - they are a brilliant golden even against grey skies!
