
Friday, September 01, 2017


No matter how long it's been since I've been out of school, or no longer working at one, I can't shake that sense of "it's over" sadness when September rolls around. There will still be many warm and lovely days for outdoor activities as we move closer to a change of seasons, and my avid reading of whatever I want (as opposed to assigned books) will continue. Lovely blooms like on the spread of my pocket calendar will still grace the gardens for a bit longer. But I can never shake that sense of loss when the calendar flips to September. Playtime's over, vacation used up, time to get back to work, to schedules and deadlines.


  1. Ah….but think about the fall color ahead, the crisp air, Halloween candy….just to name a few!!!

  2. Hi Sheila, thanks for posting!
    Here in Brazil there is a quotation that says "Life starts after Carnival". I think it would be like your September.
    Here September means Spring, hotter days and many trees blooming.
    One day, if the good Lord allows me, I would like to travel to USA only because I want to know personally what is a Thanksgiving Day. I love seeing all that pumpkins...
    Thanks a lot for writing!

  3. I share your feeling of loss when summer is over. It's a melancholy time for me.

  4. Interesting to read the various responses, a reminder that not everyone views each season in the same way. Lucia, I always forget your seasons are opposite of mine and as I start getting out my sweaters and scarves, you will be enjoying hot weather! Yes, I suppose summer is a bit like a carnival, if only in our dreams. Now it is time to wake up and get back to life. ;-) Interesting that you pick our Thanksgiving Holiday as one you would like to experience. I fear it does not have the meaning it once did and has devolved into one focused on shopping sales, football games and eating too much! But if you like pumpkin, then you will find plenty of it. :-) And many people do still remember it is a day when we are supposed to stop and give thanks for the bounty given us.
