
Thursday, March 01, 2018

A Bit Of Admin

Comments. I love getting comments on my blog posts. That is, if they are not spam comments, which is what I was getting prior to eliminating the "anonymous" option for those wishing to share thoughts on my posts. My Wyoming reader's difficulty in posting comments has caused me to go back and look at how I had things set up, and yes, I'd forgotten about eliminating anonymous posts, and no, I didn't realize that the other options for signing in were so limited, and in this reader's case, impossible to comply with.

And so, I've reconfigured the comment requirements, opening them up to anyone, that is with one caveat. I did add that extra step of "prove you're not a robot." I'd not wanted to do that before because I knew my own frustrations at having to read and type in the captcha letters/numbers before allowing my comment to go through. But low and behold, it looks to me like it now only requires one extra step, just clicking on the "I'm not a robot" button, no codes to enter, before hitting "publish".

I still will monitor each comment before it shows up on the blog so don't be dismayed when your comment disappears from view once you take that final step. I hope changing these things to make it easier for readers to comment will open the door to others who perhaps were willing but unable to speak their mind here. If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at

Let the commenting begin! 


  1. Hello - those spammers are a real nuisance. I've been lucky lately - I have not had spammy comments.

    Perhaps this will encourage your readers to comment away freely.

    Lots of love - Hilary

  2. I sure hope so Hilary. I think the readers enjoy the comments too. Definitely need more comments and get a conversation going.
