
Sunday, August 05, 2018

Laid Up

My apologies for not acknowledging the much appreciated comments on my last few posts. I'm experiencing shoulder pain (the aftermath of a mega muscle spasm) that is worse when I sit and excruciating when I try to type on the keyboard or use the mouse. It's a little better working at my laptop since moving it onto my elevated work table where I can stand to scroll and type, but not for very long. What little I am doing is mostly accomplished one handed. Oddly enough, there ARE things I can do without increasing the pain like write with a pen and use scissors so I've gotten my documentation files all caught up.

I have muscle relaxants to tide me over & help me sleep until I can get into physical therapy which unfortunately isn't until Friday. That will be two weeks since this started and I am gritting my teeth and sleeping a lot and catching up on recorded tv programs, whatever I discover I can manage without setting things off while I wait for the clinic to get back to full staff. Funny how people want to take vacation this time of year. ;-) I'm just assuming sitting at the sewing machine is out of the question but if I can write, maybe I can sketch? I'm just thankful this happened after I finished those last exhibit pieces. Nothing important looming on the horizon, no commitments needing to be met. It's something to be thankful for.


  1. Sorry to hear this - sounds rather grim. Hope you'll be on the mend soon and you don't get too frustrated not being able to do the things you want to do.

    Hilary xxx

  2. Oh dear, I do hope that the problem is cured steadily, and that in the meantime remember that a rest is as good as a change! Go with the flow and enjoy what you can do. Best wishes.

  3. Drat….and no need to answer till you are ready….. I’m so sorry you are having these issues. Frustrating as all heck to have our minds raring to go and our bodies revolting!

    Take care dear friend.

  4. Just rest and pamper yourself! Hope physical therapy helps soon.

  5. Anonymous1:47 PM

    It's nice you have a few things you can do without aggravating your injury. Physical therapy ought to bring some relief...hurry up, Friday!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery. No reply necessary! Jan in WY

  6. Sorry to hear of your problems - it sounds very painful indeed. Take care and I hope you’ll soon be back to full stitching strength.

  7. Take care of yourself and heal quickly.
