
Saturday, April 17, 2021

A Walk on the Bay Trail

We are finally warming up (again). I feel like I've said this before only to have our weather flip and bundling up weather return. Well, at least the winds have died down, which were making what otherwise would probably have felt comfortably warm into shivering ones. At any rate, I had an errand to run yesterday and made that easy side trip to the Pend Orielle Bay Trail for a change of scenery.

And it was glorious! Cool enough by the water to still need a light sweatshirt against a slight breeze in the shadows but still quite wonderful. I don't usually go to this trail until later in the season so I was pleased to find it in great shape, no muddy patches to worry about, no fallen trees or branches across it. The volunteers who tend to this trail work hard to keep it safe and open. And there was something quite special about gazing up through the branches at the tall tall cottonwoods before they have leafed out.

I had hoped to see some wildflowers along the way, but alas, I am either too early or too late. But there were cedar boughs next to the trail that caught my attention. They seemed so thick and heavy with needles.

There are indicators that tell me when I've walked to the half-way mark of the shortest distance I go on this trail, and since I've been a bit short on physical energy of late, I questioned if I could even do that over the slightly uneven terrain. But I hit that mark and wanted to keep going, felt fit enough to keep going. And so I did, ending up putting in half again as far as I'd intended. I could have kept going I think, but one has to remember about that return trip, will I run out of steam? Unsure of my stamina, I worried needless about how I would fare getting back to the car. The whole experience woke me up, excited my senses, got me thinking of the next trail to check out as our good weather is supposed to last into next week at least. All this as I should have been worried about the pollen count. Well, pollen count be damned, and I experienced no ill affects. Well, I AM pumped full of antihistamines!


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    That looks like a great place to walk! The cedar boughs look so soft--did you touch them? Good for you getting out & enjoying the beautiful day by the water! My eyes are itching/watering as I read this, but I'd go for it, too! Stay well! Jan in WY

  2. Jan, the access to this trail is so convenient as it is located just up from city beach, essentially "downtown", yet as soon as you step on it you feel like you're deep in the woods. Just on the other side of those cottonwoods is the railroad right of way, squeezed in between trail/lake and the by-pass highway, but you'd never know it. Very seldom do I hear trains when walking there. It's a bit of magic! And if you walk the entire length of the trail and back, I think it's only about 3 miles and mostly flat so very doable for most people. People jog and ride bikes on it and of course, take their dogs on walks and swims along it. Nothing more satisfying to me than meeting a wet dog carrying a stick followed by its owner, all smiles. They are working on extending the trail as well, which I look forward to.

  3. I so enjoy the photos and descriptions you post of your beautiful area…..what a great place to call home!

  4. And I so enjoy seeing your area as well, Mary. Wonderful mountain views!
