
Saturday, June 26, 2021

Everybody's Doing It

In a few days, Feedburner - the service that sends blog posts to your mailbox - will be no more. When I learned of this, I did do a little research into alternatives and had decided that if I wanted to offer that e-mailing option again, Follow.It would be my choice. But I don't think many readers are taking advantage of an e-mailing option and I suggested any who did look into Feed Reader services like The Old Reader. However as the ending date for Feedburner grew closer, I've seen several of the blogs I follow as well as their readers singing the praises of Follow.It, making the switch and noting how easy it was. So I gave it another look, started following directions, and before I knew it, I had the new Follow.It e-mail subscription sign-up gadget added to my blog (in the sidebar to the right). So out with Feedburner, in with Follow.It. If anyone does give it a try, I'd appreciate it if you'd get back to me about if it worked and how well you like it.

In the meantime, I'm still muddling along with results of cataract surgery, the second eye being done on Monday. I guess I'm just too impatient, thinking I'd be able to see better right away since I'd been seeing pretty good with just the one eye fixed. I've actually had a harder time reading with eyes tiring more quickly (or so it seems). But everyone said the surgery went well (and I must admit the whole process seemed smoother second time around) and my first followup showed the eye is healing well so calm down about how well (or not well) you think you are seeing. And in fact, every day I have noticed improvements. Still, I wonder how much of my initial out of focus feeling is due to my brain being so used to heavy glasses on my face that when it senses those are gone it just assumes I'm seeing out of focus. Takes some effort to convince it to get to work!

Still not feeling like I can do anything much with any creative ventures. A day or two after surgery, I did pick up something off my work table to bring it to my other hand and totally missed that hand! Yeah, there were some depth perception issues at first but those seem to have resolved. I've been in contact with a friend who had her second surgery the week before my first and it's been interesting to compare notes. Unlike me, her near vision is not good now and she has opted for some Dollar Store cheaters which she said are a little weird. But she is a quilter and crafter like me and is trying to work on a project, impatient as I am to get through this healing 4 weeks before new corrective glasses can be ordered up to, as my clinic dr said, provide my best vision. And to be done with eye drops 4 times a day plus lubricating drops in between.

So still marking time, but getting really antsy. I love my afternoon reading stints on the back deck, a summertime pleasure that goes back to my childhood days, and there's always things on-line and recorded on my dvr to fill my time but those studio projects are definitely calling out for my attention. I'm looking forward to when I can tackle them with ease.


  1. I too switched my blog to Rather than turn over a list of my subscribers, I decided it was best for them to resubscribe…giving them the control. I personally follow blogs via an RSS feed rather than email subscriptions. This way they are all in one place when I have time to catch up, rather than random emails all the time. However, one chooses to subscribe…’s great being able to stay connected with one’s favorite blogs.

  2. Interesting, I use Bloglovin' for reading blogs, yours included. I just follow and don't have to have all the emails.

    On cataract surgery. I wore glasses from the time I was about 7 or 8 for very nearsightedness. After the surgery I still have to wear glasses but now they are thin lenses and I can see, if pressed, without, albeit blurry.

    My surgery was many years ago while I was living in Spokane. My husband had surgery around the same time and what I noticed most was that when we painting the living room, we missed a lot of spots which didn't show when neither of us could The room had been white and we painted it a pale yellow so the white spots that showed through were very faint, but I could certainly see then when my eyes had new lenses.

  3. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Thank you for the update on your post-surgery progress! I've been thinking about you. It's difficult to be patient when you have so many projects calling for your attention! They'll be right there waiting once you're up to speed, so taking it slow & easy is about all you can do until then! Meanwhile, enjoy your deck sitting while the weather is nice. Jan in WY

  4. Belated thanks for the comments about cataract surgery. I've enjoyed reading about others' experiences with it, making it a little less anxiety-laden for me. But truly, the waiting while things heal and new glasses can be ordered up may be the hardest part! But already, I can see things that I'd been missing even with my thick glasses. A bit like Susan and the places she and her husband missed when painting. :-)

    Mary, I must tell you that it was your willingness to figure out how to add e-mail subscription to your blog that spurred me to look at it again and just do it. Yes, I said to myself, if Mary can do it, I surely can!
