
Saturday, November 06, 2021

Notes To Myself

I've been slowly clearing the piles off the worktable so I can get that baby quilt that has been ready for so long layered up for quilting. In the process I uncovered these - bits of inspiration either copied from someone else or coming into my mind on their own. I had these stuck up in my studio before I moved to my current location, and although I've come across the stack more than once, I've always hesitated to put them up in the new studio. I do think they are still good advice to myself but I am thinking of putting them in a journal instead of out in the open. I have so little wall space for things like that.

I've been thinking more about being more selective with what I spend my time on, thinking about how many of the free e-mails I've signed up for focus on supporting the emerging artist, filling the page with inspirational thoughts about creating and creativity, encouragement not to give up or worry about what one might perceive as failures. All those artists acting as cheerleaders for the rest of us - team novice. There was a time I really needed to hear all those words of support as well as the many suggestions about what to do if you feel blocked, managing your time, building confidence. I'm sure you know just what I mean. The last few months I realize I'm just scanning those and don't usually need any of the information in them, I've heard it all before. I've sort of plateaued in my journey, having absorbed all kinds of advice, technical information, ideas, and have gained a pretty good understanding of when my work is good and when it is not.  I liked both of the comments on my last post, one in particular from a woman who I think has traveled a similar road to mine and has arrived at a similar place. It is good to face the facts and make decisions that will free us to get on with what we really want to do. Although I have to admit, I'm still struggling a bit with what that thing is. No amount of free e-mail advice is going to help me with that at this point! But it is a good start to jettison the time-suckers that don't push me forward and leave behind groups that don't serve me well anymore. Tough love I guess.


  1. Oh I so get it…..the only way I can now keep track of just about every aspect of my life is to write notes….now all I have to do is remember to read and follow them.

  2. I feel much the same. At one time when I lived in Spokane I wanted to be an art quilter with a following.

    After Don died and I moved to Port Townsend I was in two groups, one of traditional quilters where I made good friends and the other was the SAQA group in the area. The traditional group was great for lots of praise and admiration because most didn't do art quilts. The SAQA group, not so much. It is full of very talented art quilters who have been doing it for years and many are well known, such as Caryl BFG. I was lost in that group.

    I was making art for my own enjoyment and the occasional sale at that point. After joining this group I felt less than, not motivated enough and just lost. The other personalities took up so much space....the emphasis was on MAKING and SHOWING. It was all too much for me and I was really questioning myself. Leaving that groups was best for me. I was able to get back to doing mostly thing for myself and for family with a once in a while place to show something.

    I'm in the SAQA group here which is quite small, about 18 or so people from UT/WY/CO. They are all very supportive of each other and the emphasis is on being there for each other and making not MAKING. Some are well known, some not so much. I enjoy the women in this group a lot and am happy to be part of it.

    I've been able to get away from the need to be known. If I see an opportunity to show something I've done that, 3 times here but that is not my prime focus. At the moment with great grandchildren appearing I'm doing baby quilts again. My only complaint about this is that I can't seem to do small, they always turn out to be at least twin

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Your line, 'and make decisions that will free us to get on with what we really want to do' reflects my thinking more & more over the past year or so. IF I have a creative idea I'll follow through. But no more forcing uninspired projects that don't make me happy with the end result. I do think finding a spot in a journal for your notes-to-self is a fun plan! Jan in WY

  4. All of those groups/people that send emails regarding getting unstuck/new artist/finding direction will always be there--perhaps a different name but still there. We all go through peaks and valleys and plateaus---the challenge is in deciding if the plateau is where we want to be or if we think there is something else ahead or even behind us we need to explore. Meanwhile there is good things in repetition of past learned skills---they may lead to new explorations/avenues. Having someone direct our path would be wonderful but I think we each get to figure it out on our own.

  5. I love you women - kindred spirits all!
