
Saturday, January 01, 2022

And Now It's The New Year

We are deep in snow and arctic cold - look at those slanted icicles! Perfect weather for holding up inside, thinking about the year just past and what the future might hold. I'll be honest, I'm quite disappointed that I didn't live up to my resolution word of 2021 which was "Finish", meant to spur me on to wrap up projects left midstream to languish for years rather than forge ahead with new projects. Couldn't resist those handmade book challenges mostly, was slowed down by the nearly 2 months between the first cataract surgery and getting the new prescription glasses. Also slowed down by a health challenge not to mention a bit of lack of discipline in my daily routine. And then there was the deep dives into books and David Whyte seminars the last half of the year that had me doing some serious and much needed soul searching. So what do I do about 2022's resolution word?

Well, I've decided it will be MORE, as in more of the same, more working my way through neglected projects, more finishing. This thought pleases me a lot. It feels like a new challenge even though it is an old theme. And as I read my resolution post of 2021, I see this is right in sync with the quotation from Michelle GD I included there, that "fresh starts [can be] a continuation of something already underway . . . no drama . . .just carrying on." I like the thought of carrying on, not just with my projects, my creative journey, but all facets of my life.

It's been another difficult year for the world but not quite as dismal as 2020 was. Still, things are not back to what we expect them to be, to what we think of as "normal". Like many others, I'm thinking we must just toss out that idea of returning to what we remember as normal and just get on with the new order, making the best of it, and doing our best to seek out the positive and the rays of light. That's what I plan to do, and I wish it for you, my readers, as well. Let's make it a grand New Year in spite of any obstacles!


Previous resolution words:
2008 - Freedom
2009 - Calm
2010 - Focus
2011 - Refocus
2013 - Perseverance
2014 - Explore
2015 - Fearless
2016 - Light
2017 - Endure 
2018 - Refresh
2019 - Wing It!  
2020 - Go!
2021 - Finish


  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I love your philosophy & positive spin on 'More'! I like the ring of that definition of continuing things already under way--without drama. Less drama all the way around works for me. I say 'Carry on!' Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year! Jan in WY

  2. Thanks Jan for your support! Wishing you the same.

  3. More ... I had to laugh a bit at that choice of word for 2022. Years ago, a kid-sized / aged family friend was learning to talk. At the time, we had 2 dogs 1 medium-sized and a great big 100-pound Newfie (which is small as Newfies go). He referred to the newfie as "More Dog" compared to the first one. Yeah-- it made perfect sense for someone learning a language! ;-) This is a good choice -- I know there were a few years where my one words had been so good for me that I didn't want to give them up at the end of the year. You've found a way to keep it all going!

  4. What a great word choice……really defines the last few years but with a positive spin for 2022!!

  5. Wishing you MORE creativity and happiness in 2022!!!
