
Friday, January 07, 2022

And Then This Happened . . .


More snow! It snowed from super early yesterday morning to some time this morning - I'd say a good 24 hours - before turning to rain. Big storm with tons of emergency warnings and snow accumulations in the area predicted between eight and twelve inches. 

As I watched the small flakes coming down, I doubted those predictions but last night I left the curtains open so I could see out the back and actually witnessed the snow building from the original height about even with the top step to the deck to definitely higher than the deck itself. 

And this is what greeted me when I opened the blinds in my upstairs office. Part of the garage juts out in front and the snow piling up on its roof is surpassing the bottom of the window.

All I can say is this is one of the reasons I love winter and wanted to live where there was a real winter. After all, I grew up not far from here so winter snows, especially in January, are no strangers to me. And to prove it, above is a picture of one of my brothers with me when I was quite little, setting me atop, I believe, a snowman near our house during a typical winter.

I must say though that I am thankful that my landlord sees that the driveways are plowed! That hasn't always been the case and I really can't shovel mine by hand like I used to.  I could do without that drenching of rain - it was really poring down most of the day and causing issues for the snow plows trying to clear the streets in town, not to mention creating a lot standing water. Guess better than if it had been snow?


  1. Ha! I'm so jealous! We should have that snow in Wisconsin! I'm glad you can still enjoy it.

  2. WHY is it that we enjoyed the snow and cold when we were young?!? I’m over that now…ha ha

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Ditto what you said about the snow! We had below zero temperatures & a.lot.of.snow this past week--enough that I stayed in town for 3 nights at the hotel where we had quilt retreat! The roads were treacherous for a couple of days so, needless to say, with few distractions most of us accomplished quite a bit! Enjoy your snow days! Jan in WY

  4. Wow - extended retreat Jan! I'm sure you had brought more to work on than you could finish during the actual retreat so those extra days you could just carry on. :-) Smart not to chance the drive home too early.

  5. Well, Mary, if you are over it now, I would tell you what my brother who lived many years in Minneapolis said when he moved to Raleigh - you didn't move far enough south!

  6. Michele, the fronts keep missing you? I remember some pretty snowy winters when I lived in Eau Claire . . . and some pretty cold ones too!
