
Saturday, March 05, 2022

Gathering and Thinking

Quilting progresses on the fat quarter quilt, working my way up a side border. To my surprise, and perhaps, dismay, I soon realized that the easy rhythm I'd developed making my way around the paisleys on the top and bottom border no long applied. The design runs a different direction, flipped as it were, and this orientation is giving me more problems in finding routes that make sense and let me work fairly continuously over longer areas. Ah well, I suppose you could say it is keeping me on my toes as these repeats can become monotonous. And provide me with nothing to show you, my readers. The best I can come up with is this shot of what's taking up space on my table, although I'm not spending much time on it at the moment.

It's another spread in my altered book/art journal. I've journaled some thoughts in pencil across the page (I'm seeing the value of that now even though it will mostly be covered up), working with a theme of exceptionalism. I've laid down some paint, not successfully considering what I was going for. I've decided my frustration lies in the fact that most of my acrylic paints are of a dark value when my mind's eye sees me laying down lighter values. I don't think to mix in a little white paint to lighten things up. I thought sponging it on would lesson the impact but I was wrong. But a lot of it will be covered up it looks like, if I continue with this idea I've settled on using illustrations from an article about Brunhilde and her sister. I'm getting more comfortable now with the idea that these spreads do not have to be finished all at once, that there is an idea stage followed by a gathering stage, followed by more steps that sometimes need a breather in between. Takes the pressure off and lets my thoughts flow. 


  1. I like your idea of working in stages--idea, gathering, and others before completion. I have lots of ideas that nothing ever comes of because I don't have a totally finished idea. Maybe if I just make a start on a piece and work in stages as the idea becomes clearer, I'll finally reach completion.

  2. That's exactly it, JudyB. Resolutions most commonly come not when you are most focused on figuring out the end before even beginning, but in the process of working through the parts. The more I keep an idea in my head, the longer it will take to actually come up with the way through. This is more obvious on large pieces I think, this working in steps, but small projects, we tend to think can and must be finished in one sitting. At least that's the mindset I found myself in. It was most gratifying to watch a professional art journalist show her steps and mention that she often has to take a pause and come back later in order to figure out the next step. Oh, I can do that? I can't believe how many bogus rules I have floating around in my head!

  3. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Great advice! Take a breather to refresh & feel less pressure to complete something that's not 'ready' to be finished quite yet! I'm on a 'break' from our group's annual challenge right now. Maybe soon I'll be ready to tackle some more of the pieces floating around in my brain! Have a good week! Jan in WY

  4. Ah, good to hear you are listening to your better judgment and giving your brain a chance to subconsciously sort thru things. Honestly, must we continue to flog ourselves to reach a goal? Yes, it just occurred to me that when I was working to deadlines, it was a bit like flogging myself to keep myself going! May you have a good week too Jan.

  5. I’m sooo far behind in blog reading….even though this is a late comment……it’s always fun seeing how you are expanding and conquering your journaling skills.
