
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Still Distracted

Disruptions continue, including a day devoted to my pre-op appointments, and I totally forgot to post what I did get done last week. I finished the satin stitching on the second Peace Quilt and I guess I should have used some stabilizer. The first quilt was all done with tightly woven hand-dyes while this one trades one of those out for the less stable sateen fabric. I good press got most of the draw-in flattened out and hopefully the quilting will do the rest. I've decided to back it like I did the first one, same dark hand-dye used on the front with the intent to turn it to the front to make the binding. But I don't think I'll use felt again, even though that will mean a lot of thread burying. Felt is good for smaller projects but I was not totally happy with the way this larger piece hung, the felt not being as firm as I thought it would be. I think I will go back to Hobbs 80/20 in black, which has more stability to it than regular 80/20 for some reason. Will see if I can get it sandwiched up before the end of the week, along with the continuing straightening and preparing of the house for my post-surgery recovery, and of course gathering what I will need to take to the hospital.

I'm lining up things to work on for when my bending/twisting/lifting is limited. I have one really old hand applique piece in mind. Have laid out supplies for several books. And printed off photos of quilts I've yet to fill out documentation sheets for. That seemed like an excellent project I could do sitting.

Perhaps I'll finally try some Gelli printing. I already have a 5 x 7 plate, going with the smaller size partly because they are so darned expensive and partly because it is a good size for printing in some of the sketchbooks I've made. But all the demos I watch show using a larger plate, one you can pull printer paper size prints when playing with masks and stencils. So when Michael's was having a particularly good sale, I was able to pick up this larger one at half price. As for the Scor-Pal, I admit I got sucked in by the "ooo what a cool tool gotta get one" thing after watching it being used to score for folding accordion style the spine for this challenge journal (and here also to see the folding of the spine) as well as other scoring chores in bookmaking. But again, this tool is a little pricey so I'd been putting off getting it. Then I realized I had a bunch of credit card points I could apply to an Amazon purchase so was able to get it there essentially for free. Am looking forward to trying it out when I make this book again, only bigger.


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    It looks as if you've gotten projects organized & plans in place to keep you occupied once you return home.. Wishing you a successful surgery & a comfortable recovery! Jan in WY

  2. That quilt is beautiful! Best of luck with your surgery.

  3. Thanks Jan. I can't help but wonder though if I'm being overly optimistic about needing these projects ready to go. I may find the frequent short walks followed by naps, tv watching and reading will fill the time just fine during the first month or so - lol. After that I should be cleared for driving and longer times out shopping or walking. We'll see. I was doing a little organizing of my yarns that I keep downstairs near the couch today with the idea that I may finally get a pair of socks knitted or another mobius scarf. And there's also a very old hand applique project that I haven't picked up since 2012 when I was back at the Mayo clinic with my friend. I suspect I won't get bored but I do like the idea of having that quilt ready to go as well as those bookbinding projects for when I'm supposedly back to normal routine in 3 months.

  4. Thanks Sherrie. I really think I like this quilt better than the first one - that crane fabric!

  5. The Peace quilt is looking better and better……wise of you to get ‘busy’ work lined up for your recovery….it will help to assure you can follow Doctor’s orders and not overdo!!

  6. Thanks Mary, I really am more and more excited about this quilt and thinking it may act as a bit of a carrot during recovery when I get to a point where I CAN be doing some sewing but otherwise might not be sure what to work on. I think I can be a good girl and not overdo!
