
Sunday, January 01, 2023

Welcoming Another Year


For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
- T.S. Eliot, Little Gidding

I've been thinking about my resolution word for 2023 for several weeks now. Three years ago I chose "GO" as encouragement to get in the studio and just do anything. The next year I realized I had lots of partially finished or ideas for projects that I still wanted to work on so the word was "FINISH". Well, I didn't get all that far down my list so the next year was "MORE" as in keep on this track and finish more projects. That unexpected surgery this year kept me from finishing as much as I hoped, but I'm not giving up on the idea, still wanting to stay on that track.

So the word for this year, as you can see added to that sign taped on my studio door back in 2020, is "CONTINUE". The more I thought about that word, the more I realized how loaded with meaning it is for me. Not just to continue working on these old projects and ideas that still interest me but in general to continue with all facets of my life that got put on hold, to continue reaching beyond my four walls, living those things I could only dream of doing at some point as I struggled through this year. I feel buoyed by the thought. "Continue" may not sound very exciting, even mundane, but to be able to continue with my life at this point isn't mundane at all, but indeed exciting. As we age, life throws more curve balls at us, not to mention health issues and the loss of friends and relatives. So much gets harder and it's no wonder a person might just give in and give up. But I'm not going that route. I'm going to continue . . .

"Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning." - John O'Donohue



For previous year's resolution words, see these posts:

2008 - Freedom
2009 - Calm
2010 - Focus
2011 - Refocus
2013 - Perseverance
2014 - Explore
2015 - Fearless
2016 - Light
2017 - Endure 
2018 - Refresh
2019 - Wing It!  
2020 - Go! 
2021 - Finish 
2022 - More



  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    What fun to find another blog post! 'Continue' is an inspiring word for this year...finish what you've started, expand on things you've tried before, revisit & embellish projects you thought were finished. Cheers to 'continuing' in 2023! Jan in WY

  2. Goodness Jan, you've summed it up even better than I did! I definitely like what you have added, especially the "expand on things you've tried before." That would let me feel less guilty about starting what technically would be a new project (thinking my Handmade Book Club here). Always something new to learn or experience when we revisit things. Cheers to YOU Jan!
