
Monday, February 06, 2023

Plugging Along

Again I have that problem with not quite knowing where the week went, but I did get borders on the baby quilt. Since I am pulling from partial pieces of the hand-dyed fabric, I did have to piece one border to get it long enough, but I don't think that will show much after quilting. Every time I work with this quilt, I am amazed at how soothing this color palette is, especially the mingling of the lights. Hoping it has the same affect on baby! Running into somewhat of a problem though as I searched through my stash of Judi hand-dyes as the pieces big enough for backing very much clash with the top, and though piecing a backing is an option, I don't have enough truly big pieces of the right colors to make that an easy task. So I turned to a stack of batiks. Judi may have dyed her own fabric and used it in her quilts as well as selling it, but she also shared my love of batiks and I came away with quite a few good-size pieces when another friend of hers and I split up her stash. But again, somehow the color I need was not in there, except for this one. There were two pieces of it, neither large enough on its own, but I plan to cut to eliminate some of those dark grayish brown areas to join two pieces with the most blue.


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Once the binding is on, there will be some 'separation' between the top & backing. That batik looks like it will work just fine & it's Judi's so all is coming together just as planned! Hope you're having a good week!
    Jan in WY

  2. you had me at Judi's hand dyeds! Don't forget to link up on Off the Wall Fridays!!

  3. I love the colors in this quilt. I can’t judge from a photo how that backing will work. I might have been tempted to go with one of the lighter colors in the top or even some kind of fun print. But it’s hard to say from a photo. I’m sure you will be able to judge what will work.

  4. Somehow I lost my RSS feed....wonder if it's because of another Apple update....anyway trying to rebuild it so just now catching up and seeing all your wonderful projects. You go girl!!
