
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Diverted and Distracted

Late in posting this week, partly because not much has happened since I last checked in. I'd mentioned that I'd made a trip into the somewhat big city last week, something that at minimum takes up 3 hours of my day, but then I had to go again a couple of days later. The first trip really wiped me out - sometimes my auto immune syndrome doesn't mind the extra energy tap of trips like that, other times it hits me with debilitating fatigue once I get home. No way of knowing which it will be in advance or how long it will take to recover, but was glad that the second trip didn't bother me at all. At any rate, I didn't make progress on much of anything before the weekend, although I took a stab at reducing part of a studio pile by getting back to catching up on my documentation files.

There were back to back motorcycle races to watch on Saturday and Sunday so a few more stitches got put into the stitch camp piece. I decided to do the spiral running stitch in the two oblong blotches as well as to squeeze it into the smaller blue circles after I finished a bit of the twisted running stitch. I can see a few more areas where I can work that stitch in, hoping that I will use up that teal rayon embroidery thread. Pondering where I can work in some different stitches like seed stitch and satin stitch and what color thread I might use to do that.

I thought there'd be more to catch my eye and add to my downstairs sketchbook but there really isn't from my place on the couch. However, I realized that in watching tv, I'd become a little obsessed with eyebrows, especially as I watched different newscasters. These are just experiments as I tried to remember some of the ones I'd noticed that were different from the usual arch. Then I found myself adding some full faces which to be honest I'm not very good at. But it exercises one's imagination.

I can report that in the space of a few days we went from bleak winter with nothing showing on the branches of trees to full-on spring with bright lime green leaves unfurling and beautiful blooms emerging. The chokecherry in front of my place obliged with not just blooms but heady fragrance. I'm really feeling the urge to get out and sketch some of the trees around town before the blooms fade. The weather will be heating up again, and I am free of obligations for the rest of the week so I have no excuse not to!


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I can see some more possible stitching in the yellow & blue circles (maybe those were stamped with a whisk?). Your eyebrow sketches are such a fun idea! You're definitely exercising your imagination! Glad you're experiencing lovely Spring weather because it's gloomy & rainy here this week. Enjoy your obligation-free week! Jan in WY

  2. Jan, yes I'm trying to think of how or what to stitch in/around those very circles which, btw, were stamped with the end of a thread spool. I get caught up in not wanting to obscure the marks, these particularly that I like so much, but one thought is a french knot in the middle. Oh and a new thought, maybe radiating stitches between each ring rather than stitches going in the same direction. Yes that's it!

    Hope your weather improves soon. My weatherman showed last night how the low pressure is circling back moving the last system that is already over Montana back our direction. Not often we get weather moving east to west. Won't effect the weekend except maybe a tad cooler than they expected, but still for us in the high 70's. Then thunderstorms on Tuesday when of course I have another trip to the somewhat big city. ;-) Maybe that low is over you and will soon be moving off. In the meantime, keep busy with some creative work!
