
Wednesday, July 19, 2023


I folded the signatures for the Little Link Stitch book, putting them under weights overnight and never got back to them. It was a weekend of racing to watch, and I'm not sure what else kept me away, just know that I shouldn't put off posting any longer with the intention of showing it all finished. I did get the signatures sewn into the cover for the wine and beer notebook though. I used the handspun hemp thread that has become a favorite, using a long enough piece to have plenty to wrap around the book as a closure. But that end needed something, and I pulled out an unopened bag of wood beads, bought ages ago with the intent that they end up on a quilt, but don't they look perfect here?

Oh, now I remember. I made two late afternoon trips to sketch these garbage trucks that I pass by on one of my daily walking routes - the first to get down the shapes and details in pencil, and the second to ink them in and add a little color with Inktense Pencils. I do not do "quick draws" so each session took about 45 minutes and I knew I could put the final touches on it at home, primarily to find something to color in the cyclone fence and to activate the Inktense with water. But like the Little Link Stitch book, the drawing still sits in my bag waiting. Don't ask me what it is that intrigued me about these trucks, hunkered down for the night after a long day of picking up trash, but there was something that made me want to draw them.

Daniel Sroka - Allusive 2023

With so little to show this week, I am sending you over to Daniel Sroka's latest online gallery. Through written and spoken word and a couple of short videos plus his beautiful photos, he tells a story about childhood and nature's inspiration that is not unlike my own. Enjoy Getting Lost In Nature.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Your beads do make a pretty closure for the book! If you like organization & order perhaps that's what attracted you to drawing the garbage trucks lined up for the night? Daniel's photos have a very 'dreamy' quality to them. Thanks for the recommendation to view his art! Jan in WY

  2. Good call on why I might have been drawn to the trucks! Indeed, I hadn't thought about it but Daniel's photography is indeed dreamy because of the way he sharpens a small area and leaves the rest blurred. Glad you enjoyed looking at them.
