
Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Finally Done With Pink!

Finally got a chance yesterday to take one last assessment of my Abstract Color Challenge and add a few finishing touches. I can't believe how much these little 5 x 5 pieces of "art" have grown on me. If thought of as a series, the order above is the order I had them laid out in as I worked on them. But as I removed the tape holding them to the table and looked at each individually, I was fairly pleased with how each stood on its own. Click on the pics for a larger view to study the details. I really like the look of the spatters and am ok with the bit of pen work I added.

In the meantime I ran across this quilt with what I feel is a stunning use of pink! It's called Hidden Gems by Gail Stepanek and Jan Hutchison.

And then I read an article about a wool and knitting festival on the Shetland Islands and was really taken with the pink and blue accents on this sweater, worn by wool felting teacher Ann Marie Anderson. I'm really gaining a new appreciation for the color pink!


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Your study in pink would make a fun collection framed together. I do like the pops of pink in the quilt & sweater! They're very subtle, but really make the overall 'look'. Jan in WY

  2. Anonymous1:51 AM

    with a grand-datughter who likes pink and the other one purple, I have expanded my color sense to include pink--still not my favorite color nor is it one I am drawn to in the fabric store.

  3. Well, they say you should add things to your stash that aren't necessarily your favorite colors because all colors can be useful. But we all have our favorites. I had to laugh at myself one time when I walked right past brilliant batiks that a friend of mine would have been drooling over but was stopped dead in my tracks in front of a display of greys! Sometimes it takes something like a grand-daughter's preference to pull us away from our usual palette.

    Jan, I've decided to keep one for myself and give the others away - I don't really have wall space to hang these framed as a collection. But I do think I managed to make them look like they go together.
