
Monday, December 11, 2023

An Alternative To Paint and A Finish

Years ago Washi Tape crossed my radar as a thing. I didn't understand what it was exactly, nor why it was being touted as a must have item but I bought some anyway. The 4 or 5 rolls I bought have remained unopened until the other day. I've gained a better understanding of how to use this tape but still couldn't figure out how to work it into any of my various projects - it just didn't seem to be the sort of thing I'd use. But as I found a page in the gratitude journal to add a gratitude to, but one that did not have the painted borders, it dawned on me that I could put strips of Washi tape around my entry. Oooo, so much less messy than paint, quick and easy, I'm going to have to tape off some other pages! And yes, last week's challenge was dealing with a crown that came off. Just what one needs in the weeks before Christmas! All better now for the time being but I'll be staying away from things like sticky caramel (which was not the culprit btw - I was just eating a slice of soft crust pizza . . .).

As for my finish, I finally got all the lines of quilting on the 4-patch strip quilt resewn. I started working on that back in August but not very steadily. But I could see the finish line approaching the last time I worked on it so devoted big chunks of time over the weekend to get it done. And really, this was not something I was going to do slowly and carefully; perfection was hardly on my mind and so there are lots of places where my new stitching did not go exactly over the old stitching. Can you hear me yelling "I DON"T CARE!!! I just want to get this done!"? It seemed to take forever anyway. I don't think there's any other repair or mending work to do so I can move on to some other more interesting sewing project.


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Well, you had quite a week! I'll bet you're happy to have had the crown repaired by a compassionate dentist. I like the Washi Tape border on the page. It's a good solution when you're not feeling like make a mess. Congrats on the mending finish! Jan in WY

  2. That's a great idea for Washi tape. My sister gave me some a few years ago and I still haven't used it, but I think I'll do your idea. Thanks!

  3. Thanks Jan - nothing like an unexpected dental appointment when trying to get ready for Christmas! I'm very lucky to have found this dentist - he's done a lot of good work for me.

    Sherrie, that makes me feel better that there is someone else with Washi tape languishing in a drawer - lol. The thing that always puzzled me is that this tape is not necessarily permanent, can be easily lifted up and reposition. I'm used to tape being used to stick things down and keep them down and it was the decorative nature of it that also had me stumped. On my bookclub page, others have become frustrated with their tape not staying stuck which is when I learned many people use a little glue stick to keep it in place if that's an issue. Live and learn I guess. Hope your experiments with yours turn out well.
