
Monday, November 27, 2006

First Real Snow of the Season

This is what I woke up to this morning - about 5 inches of snow.

For weeks the weathermen have been predicting big storms that never materialized but this time they got it right. The snow started falling right when they said it would - about 11:00 a.m. yesterday - and continued all day and into the night. I shoveled the first few inches off the deck before dinner and tackled the rest this morning.

Now we are going deep freeze diving...From just under 40 degrees this afternoon to the teens tonight, followed by below zero the next few nights. Yikes! The groundskeeper came knocking on my door to give me some advice on how to prepare, including the suggestion to shovel snow against the foundation to seal any cracks that might let cold blasts of air in under the house. This is supposed to help keep the pipes from freezing, along with keeping the utility door open and plugging in the heat tape around the bathroom pipes. I'll keep a little drip of water running in the sinks as well - something I remember from my days growing up not far from here. Brothers dear, are you feeling nostalgic yet?

I may have to re-think how I park the car. It is directly under that large branch, which I suppose could come crashing down if heavily laden enough with snow or if the winds whip up.

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