
Monday, November 27, 2006

Goals for Week of Nov 27

I did pretty well on last week's goals - definitely spent three days in the studio - actually I think I was in another day as well. I got the tech journal caught up. I worked on the pinwheel blocks, although I did not get them totally pieced. I'm not sure if I thought I could, but it definitely is taking me longer to construct each part of the block than I anticipated. Should have no problem getting them finished this week and sewn into the border units.

What I didn't have time for was working with the leaf prints. I thought I had an idea for one of them, but I couldn't settle my mind on the problem. Those pinwheel blocks were taking up all my thought! What I think I need is to wait until the blocks are done, then spend some time laying the sheer over various background fabrics until I find something that doesn't just work, but works in an interesting way. Right now, the few things I've tried aren't doing it for me.

So in some ways, this week's goals will be similar to last week's:
  1. Spend minimum of three days in studio, which will include the next goals.
  2. Finish piecing pinwheel blocks and join into border strips
  3. Cut trunks to be appliqued on this quilt
  4. Audition background fabrics for sheer leaf print

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