
Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Slight Diversion

In between cleaning for company and taking care of normal business, I found a chunk of time to make up the yearly block for my nephew's future quilt. He is turning eleven, and has made it known for a bit now that he wished Auntie would send him something more fun for his birthday. Poor child. Doesn't realize that I don't send presents as a normal rule. I'm hoping that when he receives the finished product around his 21st birthday, he will have circled back to appreciating this ongoing gift recording events in his life. But for now, I'm hoping this particular block will make him chuckle.

He starts band this year, and has decided to take up the trumpet, like several other males in the extended family. While digging around for an appropriate background for the applique, I ran across this rabbit fabric. It may not seem appropriate to you, but earlier in the year, his family discovered the dog playing with a baby bunny. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that mother rabbit had decided to make her home in their yard, dog or not. Much hand ringing ensued, calls were made, and soon they were erecting a small fence around the burrow to keep the dog out until the bunnies grew up and moved on. So yes, rabbits and trumpets tell part of the tale of this nephew's year.

The applique, by the way, was applied with my current favorite method. No fusible, just a little glue baste to hold things in place until the edges were finished with a satin stitch. Tearaway stabilizer pinned to the back keeps the fabric from drawing up and distorting.

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