
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What I've been up to, where I've been

Company's here and gone, and I'm trying to remember just what I did with my time before they inundated my life! We had a great, if busy time, putting over 400 miles on the car as we indulged in several nostalgia trips. Here we are, my sister-in-law, brother and me, just minutes from the outskirts of town overlooking beautiful Pend Oreille Lake. (I've kept the pics small, but if you're really interested, clicking on them will open nice large versions.)

This was the start of a loop into Montana, with many stops at historic markers and scenic overlooks. This is looking down the Clark Fork River just below Cabinet Gorge Dam. On the right you can see the old two lane highway snaking its way along the mountain.

Once in Montana, we jogged north along the Bull River. In the background you can see the Cabinet Mountains, complete with fresh snow.

Our main destination was the Yaak River, and its extraordinary set of waterfalls. It's difficult to get a good picture of them, and this time of the year with the water low, they are not as spectacular as with the spring runoff. Still, the rock formations have always fascinated me. Just above the first falls you can see that layers of rock are starting to tilt up.

I think a lot of people miss the lower falls since it's not visible from the road and no signs mark the trail. I know it's there because Dad and I fished this stretch of river from the campground downriver to the falls. Here the rock slab takes a real tilt.

My dad made me sit at the top of these rocks and drop my line way down into the eddying hole below. Scared me to death. The picture doesn't give a good idea of the actual size of these rocks. My brother was particularly interested in the various colors and shapes - as if they had been painted. There may be some artist in him after all.

Heading west back into Idaho, a scenic overlook gives you this view of the 2nd highest bridge in Idaho over the Moyie River. In the background, that spot of water that looks like a small lake is from the Moyie Dam.

We'd spent much more time than planned, so after this stop, we hightailed it back home. The previous day we'd spent over and around the town where we'd grown up. I guess we were so absorbed in finding old haunts and marveling at what had and had not changed that we totally forgot to get the camera out. Or perhaps it was just so familiar that we didn't think to snap any current shots. Here's a shot I took a couple of years ago when I came out for my college reunion.

Our final day of sightseeing was a little more relaxing as we took an hour and a half boat cruise on the lake. I never tire of looking at the mountains. Some that were pointed out to us were The Green Monarchs, Scotchman Peak, Seven Sisters and Roman Nose. The day was a bit blustery and not the best for pictures, but we tried anyway. This site has lots of aerial shots around the area, including many we saw from the boat as well as the car.

And now enough of the travelogue. It's back to the grind...

1 comment:

  1. THank-you thank-you thank-you for these wonderful pictures. This is the coutry my heart longs to be in. Our property we purchased is only a few miles up the road from the Yaak Falls. Can you believe kids jump off that rock into the Yaak River. To me is is dangerous but to kids it is fun. Thank-you again for the wonderful pictures and reminding me what a beautiful area this is.
