
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Opening Reception

I'm off on a road trip tomorrow, my excuse being to attend my friend Judi's opening reception for her first solo show. If you are in the vincinity, please stop by and see her art, and introduce yourself. I'd love to meet some of my readers face to face.

Sunday, June 7th, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The Gorge White House
2265 Highway 35, Hood River, Oregon,
Just 4 miles south of town, 541-386-2828

Artist Reception for Judi Kane, Textile Artist
Complimentary wine tasting from Waving Tree.
Check out our Artist page for more information.

To get a taste for Judi's style, see these posts here and here.

While I'm looking forward to seeing her work hung at this winery, I'm looking forward even more to several days of sewing together. However, I'd forgotten just how much stuff one has to pack up when working outside of one's studio. Good thing I'm driving!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the show was wonderful for Judi and you enjoyed a great weekend together. Sorry I have been missing...I finally finished my parent's wedding fabric portrait! Their 50 year celebration is this weekend:) Blessings to you! Jenna Louise
