
Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Advantage of Libraries With Stacks

On my way to find this...

I found these...

I don't care how clever Amazon is, thinking it knows what books to suggest based on previous buying history or searches, it rarely takes me off in a new direction, just offers up more of the same. My reading list, compiled from recommendations and reviews from many sources, covers a wide range of genres and interests. While scanning titles in the library stacks (or a book store), I can stumble upon something I didn't know existed let alone thought I'd be interested in. I can't seem to have the same experience searching titles on line. Computer searches are great if I know exactly what I'm looking for, but give me a wander through the stacks any day for that unexpected moment of discovery that leads to checking out so many more books than I intended.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more! And libraries, ah, you don't have to buy the book and have it around forever, that's a wonderful thing too!
