
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Unexpected Snag

I've been asked by a good friend if I'd donate a small piece of art to the Empty Bowls Silent Auction fundraiser for Feed My People Food Bank of Eau Claire, WI. I lived in Eau Claire before moving back to Idaho so I am happy to take part. I've been encouraged to include a lengthier "item description" (i.e. info about me as well as the art) than the donation form leaves room for, plus a business card. Oh yeah, have not updated my cards or letterhead since the move, so decided to take a few minutes to do that this afternoon. Gremlins have been at work in my computer apparently. The font I've used on these items for years no longer exists in the files, so I spent more time than I wanted choosing new fonts. I could have gone for a whole new look, but instead, tried to match as closely as possible the original look. I know that heading on the letterhead was done with some kind of script font; I couldn't find any script on the list so had to settle for italicizing (copy on top). Not happy but it will do for now. As long as I was at it, I also updated the labels I sometimes print for the back of my quilts. As for the artist statement I was going to print on letterhead to go with my donation - well, I ran out of time to mess with it today.

I think I'm done washing smelly fabric. As I sorted through what was left on the dryer into loads, I found that most of them now smell fine. Two small loads was all I had to wash and iron today, preceded by folding and filing the batches washed and ironed the last few days. I've started a "water" wall as I've run across batiks I think might work in this water-themed series I've got on my mind. Most of the blue fabrics came from Cathie who passed along her "scraps" to me last year. No, these aren't all to go in one quilt, in case you were questioning my sanity or good taste. In fact, one is for an idea having nothing to do with water, but like my water theme, came out of my time in Rochester. Anyway, it is good to have these ideas up on the design wall, encouraging me to keep clearing the decks so I can start on one of them. 

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