
Friday, July 05, 2013


No one escapes this life without losing someone, many someones, dear to them. Anniversaries of deaths give us opportunity to pause and remember those people, more so than usual. For me, the hardest, most lasting loss has been that of my husband, now 13 years ago today. Not as painful as it once was, but I still stumble upon the occasional "landmine" that can suddenly bring tears at his loss and memory. Here I was just last week, viewing the latest Star Trek movie as per our tradition going back to the very first one. Oh, how he would have loved this, I gleefully thought as the Enterprise hit warp drive, when the mine blew up. Yikes - instant tears! I do miss him still, all those personal things we shared, if nothing else. That's him about the time we met at college back in the mid 70's - gotta love the hair. And the shirt - boy, do I remember that shirt. Those were the days of slinky polyester and that was one of the slinkiest!

Love ya, sweetie. Thanks for all the great memories and for taking care of me all those years. You taught me so much, opened up the world to me, and I am learning and exploring still.


  1. How sweet. What a handsome guy. He does look like your soulmate. I do remember those was a time of polyester. And how about those bell bottoms?

  2. Thanks, Chris. And oh, yes, we BOTH wore bell bottoms...

  3. I'm sorry you had to hit a landmine Sheila, but thanks for sharing the photo. He was stylin'!

  4. Oh Sheila. Remembering --- I'll bet he was right there in the movie theater watching by your side. Even though they may be gone from this plain, they love us still. And there are times when we can be near them again--like this. Hugs.

  5. My heart breaks for what you.....time does help but it never makes it better. Big virtual hugs coming your way!
