
Thursday, July 04, 2013

Small indulgences

My internet friend and fellow artist, Connie Rose, recently put a group of "button booklets" for sale here. The covers are some of Connie's hand painted and stamped papers, the inside good quality paper for sketching or other uses. She didn't want much for these, and since I'm always on the lookout for small sketchbooks or journals to inspire me to draw, I decided to treat myself. I have long admired Connie for her talent at collage, and she's always experimenting with surface design on fabric as well as paper. This was a small way to own a bit of her work, something that would remind me of her whenever I picked it up to add something to the pages. Not only did it come in this custom-made envelop, she also included the bookmark of collaged paper and fabric.

It's Independence Day here in America, and I decided to forgo the parking problems, crowds and noise of the celebrations downtown for a quieter day at home. I've been meaning to make these mostly healthy no-bake cookies for weeks - enough for an army!

But mostly I've been sitting out on my back deck, enjoying some cool watermelon and a novel that suddenly got to the "I can't put it down" stage. Ah yes, I sense summer is finally here!