
Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Simple? Only in name...

Oh yes, I always give a quilt the kiss of death when I think it will be quick, simple, done. With quilting complete, hands stitched in place and a line of navy stitching in the background to define them a bit more, all that should be left is the edge finish. Although I have kept the dithering to a minimum on this one, I couldn't get past wondering if it was too simple, if it didn't need something else. I don't want to do this (my head speaking) but my mind started wandering towards beads (my heart speaking). I'm going ahead with the edge finish and then will see how I feel about trying some star-like designs with these beads (click on pic for a larger view).

One thing that remains simple is the feeling this has a one word title. Usually, quilt titles come to me quite easily but not on this one. I look at the hands and they say something to me, but I'm struggling to hit upon just the right word. I think I'm close, but I thought it would be fun to turn to my on-line "thesaurus" and see if anything comes to your minds. If this was your quilt, what one word would you use to name it. In other words, what are those hands saying to you?

Celtic bubbles from the back


  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "Gift", "Hope", "Please"

    two words "To give",

  2. Humm... perhaps Surrender?

  3. Supplication was the first word that poped into my mind too.
