
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Printing Large

Still ignoring the shibori piece, I continue the drafting of my design inspired by the fountain wall at the Eisenberg building in Rochester, MN. With a thumbs up from the art group, I tried printing it out full size today, both to confirm the final size and to get a better handle on the amount of various materials I'll need. I cut 13 inch wide lengths of newsprint packing paper to run through my wide carriage printer and needed to divvy the design into 6 sections. It worked, and the 6 sheets are now overlapped and taped together. The size looks good (about 50 inches wide) and I'll clean this version up more so it will render accurate templates.

Here's what I printed out - a greyed version of my photograph (see this post) overlayed with thick lines to square up the stonework and cropped to produce an uneven edge. Fabric auditioning is in process...


  1. I'm looking forward to what comes next.

  2. I like this lay out a lot!

  3. Thanks!

    I'm looking forward to what comes next as well. The fabric auditioning has taken an unexpected turn which I am liking. Why am I suddenly able to let go of original plans so readily? Not my usual MO - lol!
