
Monday, October 27, 2014

What Else One Can Do...

...when stuck and not interested in putting up the good fight: play in Paint Shop Pro. I took this tight shot of a nearby mountain ash a few weeks ago, intrigued by how close in color the berries were to the leaves, yet they popped off the busy background just a smidge. I cropped it to a square, played a bit with the color intensity and put it up on Facebook.

Then, on my "eat a worm" day, I found myself cleaning up some files on the computer. Before moving this one into my "design ideas" files, I pulled up Paint Shop Pro on a whim to see if anything fun might result from running it through filters. Usually you need more definition for good filter results, so most tries were not that exciting or different from what's already in my files. However, this one using a displacement map of puddles caught my fancy - probably because it was raining so hard that day.

And of course, you can't go wrong with the kaleidoscope filter. 


  1. The colours on the original photo are stunning!!!

  2. Love the kaleidoscope filter. I don't think I have that filter in Photoshop.

  3. Thanks you two! Chris, I have heard that photoshop doesn't have that filter. Technically, it's one of four reflections effects, so you might look for something like that. I think you can do it but it takes more work on your part.

  4. I love those Kaliedescopes! Makes me want to play with those, too! So many options -- so many distractions! But great and rewarding results!
