
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Making a Day Special

Ok, full disclosure: my birthday was this week and I've been doing little things to celebrate . . . well, I guess all month, but particularly this week. I often try to get out on a hike on the actual day, but this year it fell on the same day as my weekly yoga class, and I sure wasn't going to give that up! Besides, I was compelled to take advantage of that small window of perfect hiking conditions early in the week before the heat returned and the wind shifted to blow smoke from the wildfires around Spokane, WA back into the area. THE day proved to be pretty perfect weather-wise too and these flowers that arrived before I left for class really made my day!

Orchids, I'm told. Beautiful, softly scented, more buds to open.

I didn't have a desire for cake this year, have been fixated on pie for awhile. So after class, I stopped by The Pie Hut to check out their selection. If I were having cake, it would most likely be German Chocolate. Imagine my surprise to see a German Chocolate pie in the case! Box me up a slice please - I'm on my way to City Beach. Well, of course I'd spend time at the place I most enjoy spending time at and ate that rich rich slice of pie sitting on a bench enjoying the view of lake and mountains. Sorry - no picture of that pie.

Mechanical Pencil sketch
Another reason I'd come to this spot was to sketch. I simply don't make enough time for it, am always on a mission or short on time but taking note of what I'd like to come back and draw nearly everywhere I go. Today it was the lifeguard station on my agenda, which had to be drawn while standing - a bit more challenging than while sitting but I've done it before. Interesting angles, shadowing to add, finding myself using the trick of drawing the negative space shape in some areas, and wondering whether to add the lifeguard. I hedge when it comes to adding people to my sketches, but not much of the lifeguard was showing so I gave it a go. Dang, he fidgeted the whole time, changing leg positions and moving his head back and forth, then left altogether before I was quite done with him. So if he looks a bit funky, that's my excuse!

My favorite bench and view taken at a different time of year.

After I finished, I wandered towards the car, thinking my time here was through, but as so often happens, I found it hard to pull myself away. So I returned to a bench and just stared off into the distance for the longest time. My yoga teacher calls this 'just being" and the human race should surely do more of it. My attention eventually settled on the sailboats that had come out to play. They do this every Thursday evening, practice maneuvers and even take on board novices who would like to learn the ropes of sailing. I noted at one point that they all put out their spinnaker sails and were heading as a group toward one side of the lake. Then I spotted a red buoy as one after another changed direction rounding it. Off they went in the other direction, our little Pend Oreille armada.

Typical scene on the lake

It was only the cooling of the breeze as the sun dipped behind the mountain that sent me on my way home, with a quick sidetrip for a take out dinner from the best burger place in town. Since returning to Idaho, I'd searched for what I refer to as "the burger of my youth" and I've found it here! Nutrition Nazis need not comment. :-)


  1. Happy birthday!! The flowers are beautiful. You have had some wonderful hikes. Good to see you doing some sketching as well. Hard to sketch people. You did capture the lifeguard. Good to see he was wearing a hat out in all that sun..

  2. Hahaha... Is that sunbonnet Sam as the lifeguard?

  3. It's good to have little personal celebrations - and not just on your birthday. Sounds blissful.

  4. Beautiful nature pictures! I love that heavy tree bark.

  5. Happy Birthday! You spent your day in the most beautiful of ways. I love Chris' comment. Perhaps a new series of Overall Bill and Sunbonnet Sue at the beach? Wishing you much joy on your next trip around the sun. Keep celebrating. My 83 year old aunt told me when I turned 50 many years ago, that once over 50 you get to celebrate your birthday for as many days as you are old. I make sure she does and have added a few onto my celebration, too. Have a glorious week!

  6. Thanks, Chris. I've noticed that I seldom include people in my sketches or in photos either, let alone quilts while others make people the focus of their sketches. Is it because I'm such a loner??? Or just that I do this laser focus thing that automatically removes other details from around the thing I am most interested in?

    Oh my goodness, you are right about my lifeguard looking like Sunbonnet Sue. I knew it was reminding me of something but couldn't put my finger on it. That's it! I'm always a bit surprised at the big brimmed hats the male guards where because I'd think they would think it makes them look dorky. But I guess they are just smart to not worry about that and use the best protection.

  7. Yes, Olga, blissful is a good way to describe it. I've gotten quite good at pampering myself on special occasions but it is a bit harder to convince myself to do it other times as well. But I AM getting better at it. Perhaps that comes with age?

  8. Thank you Jeannie! Your grandmother is absolutely right and I've been practicing this extended celebrating of my birthday for quite awhile now. As for Sue and Sam - to be honest, I've never really liked those characters much, not my style, so there won't be any beach series from me! :-) You might check out this post for fun to see the only thing I've done with Sue.

  9. Happy to fill your senses, Mary. I know - the bark always intrigues me, and I wonder how I can use those wonderful textural inspirations.

  10. Belated Happy Birthday………eat, drink and be merry!!!!

  11. I've been very out of the loop recently with family visits and holidays and erratic internet connection. Glad I popped in to see your lovely gentle drawing.
    And Happy Birthday (very belatedly). I'm all for 'just being' ... and chocolate cake ... the ultimate combination?!

  12. All belated birthday greetings gladly accepted. In fact, I received yet another birthday card in the mail today, a week after the event, so Mary and Margaret, you are in good company. ;-)

    Margaret, I DO like your description of my sketch: "gentle drawing". I have the most fun with this kind of pencil sketch when I get the main feature finished and start filling in the background loosely - in this case the tree-covered mountain, rippling water and uneven sand with a bit of grass growing in it. After all that hard concentration getting angles and proportions right, it's my reward!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday, Sheila. Sorry I missed it ... Beautiful flowers to celebrate!
