
Monday, September 05, 2016

Laboring Away

This is Labor Day in the U.S. and I have been laboring all weekend. The carpets were long overdue for a cleaning and I haven't been up to the task until now. Some people spring clean. I fall clean! But before I upended the studio to expose as much rug for cleaning as possible, I finished up the other baby quilt. I know I said I wouldn't post pics until it made it to the recipients but I couldn't resist sharing a peek at the quilting. All that quilting of marked swirls on Molly's cousin's quilt paid off. I took off the training wheels and quilted in swirls and bubbles totally freehand and it was fun! Just proves that the experts are right about practise and muscle memory.

I even added her name here and there, again without marking. I think it was easier here than on Kavi's quilt because I'm quilting in a smaller space and not having to center exactly. Oh freedom! Will post more about this will full views soon. 


  1. A sneak peak is just not enough! The colors and quilting look good.

  2. Ah, the freedom of free-motioning! I love the colors.

  3. Such fun colors. After a while, you'll find the FM patterns you really love -- For me, they are the ones I don't have to mark, the ones I can just let fly!

  4. I had to laugh at the carpet cleaning comment. That's what I was doing that wkd, too! Boy did our carpets need it -- 2 dogs drag in a lot of mud and crud. The wash water was pretty chocolatey -- and not in a good way!
