
Thursday, April 26, 2018

April Art Group

The Muse is so capricious. One moment she's leaning over my shoulder urging me on, giving advice and keeping me on track, the next she's taken off to who knows where and left me on my own. Thankfully, just as I realized she was off on holiday stranding me with confused and muddle thoughts, I was relieved to know the gals in my art group would step in to fill the gap. This is the first conundrum I presented them, as we sat outside on our first truly warm day of spring. Quilting up the sample of various thread colors for the garnet stitching of the latest leaf cluster did not give me a clear answer after all. I was leaning toward two of them which were not the ones the others were suggesting. They made their case and it forced me to dig deep and make my own. Other colors or values were suggested and I added a couple more test patches when I got home. It all boils down to the overall affect I'm going for, and after all that, I've settled on the original thread that I used on that other leaf cluster with the garnet quilting. In the end, what I really want on this one is pure texture and if any hint of color gets added, I want it to pick up the green in the fabric. I'm not feeling that the time spent stitching up the other colors was wasted energy though. I'm sure it will make a great reference in the future.

I had better luck on my zigzag piece. Seen out in the sun, it was pretty clear that the green fabric instantly pulled up the green in the top (maybe not so evident in this photo). The other works if a more subtle edge is wanted but with so much texture in that piece, I think more of the light areas than the dark ones would end up showing, confusing the eye. As for the leaves, they thought they would be a good addition, and they did look ok in this lighting.

I can't show what Terrie brought as they need to stay under wraps at the moment, but Meg had lots to share. Working at a recent weekend retreat, she got more birds cut out and stitched. These are fused to Peltex for individual display on walls and still need their legs.

And now there are hedgehogs! This group is at various stages as she experiments with the most efficient way to do the steps. The black around the ones on the right is the Peltex that will eventually be trimmed away.

Ok, I was a little too taken with these perhaps, but they are beyond cute in my book! She's been posting some of her small offerings on her instagram page where she is picking up some sales, and where you can contact her if you are interested.

I believe this is a commission, a smaller version of her girl with balloons.

On a personal level, she's started stitching on a boro to make a scarf for a relative, having been inspired by one of our other members who tried boro last year (scroll down this post to see it).

And she also took some time to try out the various decorative stitches on her somewhat new machine. Like most of us, she doesn't often need stitches like this, but had to admit there were some she really liked. This sampler will actually be made into a little mat or rug for the footrests on her daughter's wheelchair. Lucky daughter!

Finally, I had to share these that I received from my friend Alice who is taking part in the slice quilt project. She just amazes me with how much she produces and how effortless she makes it look. The photo is of her 19th selvage quilt which will be in next year's AQS engagement calendar. She makes these selvage quilts in all sizes and all kinds of traditional block patterns and has won quite a few awards with them. But as if that were not enough, she also makes pincushions out of selvages to give as gifts to friends like me! And because apparently she has too much time on her hands, she also made a small version of our bridge photo, cut it into 4 sections and finished it off as fabric postcards, one for each of us participating in the collaboration. Such beautiful work! speaking of the bridge slice, I've been given a sneak peak and it looks great, with an unplanned but perfect left to right progression of morning to night.

As always, click on any picture for a larger version. And if you are looking for a great deal on thread, my friend Mary has just listed a group of Mettler Threads for your consideration.

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