
Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Meeting the ArtWalk Deadline

My application for this year's ArtWalk is due on Friday, so the weekend found me not quite frantically putting the last of the garnet stitching in this eighth leaf cluster. Frankly, I thought it would go more quickly since there are 4 clusters stamped on this 15" square rather than just one as in the other cluster using this stitch. I filled the bobbin 3 times and killed off the spool of Aurifil Thread I like to use in the bottom. I'm undecided about how to frame this one up, though. It was meant to be another one wrapped over a 10 X 10 canvas and slipped in a floater frame but I rather like the look of the full clusters with their tails curving to the outside.

Possible finishing of Leaf Cluster VIII - Sheila Mahanke Barnes ©2018

Friend Meg always reminds me that I do not have to submit photos of new work or even work I plan to exhibit and I know that to be true. POAC just needs to get a feel for the media and typical size of an applicant's art to help them choose the best venue for it. But if I did not use this first deadline to get my pieces I plan to exhibit mostly done, I'd be in real trouble come hanging day. I just get enough done so that I can take a photo that can have the frame or binding photo-shopped in, as I have done in the photo above. I didn't even think of the orientation when I pinned the quilt up and shot the photo. I think it needs to be quarter turned to the left. But the quilting is visible and I very well may finish it off this way rather than essentially crop a couple of inches off all round.

Fracture - Sheila Mahanke Barnes ©2011

I haven't gotten to the binding yet on Sway so up on the wall it went too, getting a photo-shopped binding and not worrying that in the end it may sport leaves. I did choose an older piece to submit as my third example, one that would look good with these new pieces and hasn't been out on the circuit in awhile. When I looked in the entry folder of that exhibit it was in, thinking I could just copy that photo to my application stuff, I noted I'd done the trick on it too. Fracture seen above ended up having sheer leaves added to it, like I plan to do with Sway, but the entry photo was taken before that happened. Such is the world of entering exhibits here. I could not get away with that if I was entering juried exhibits and most big quilt shows.

So the photo thing was taken care of yesterday and today I reworked an Artist Statement to better match what I think I will be showing. Finally, I filled out the application pdf and emailed everything off to POAC. So pleased I've made this the priority at the beginning of the week rather than doing it at the end last minute. I'm taking a break and working on a little bookbinding challenge (it was for April and I wouldn't let myself start until I had this ArtWalk stuff taken care of - Silly me thinking I could do it in a few hours at the end of the month) which I will share when it is a little farther along. And then I'll get that binding attended to and some more quilting done.


  1. Love, love the leaves. I really do enjoy reading about your thought process and how you deal with things from your art, to the paperwork, to the deadlines.

  2. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Hurray for no procrastination! It's interesting to follow the process as you prepare your entries for ArtWalk. Good for you taking a break to do something else you enjoy! Jan in WY

  3. Thanks Chris and Jan. I always hope I'm not boring my readers with details about my process and sometimes convoluted thinking!
