
Sunday, December 24, 2023

Holiday Greetings To My Faithful Readers

May your holidays be bright, full of love and laughter and remembrance of those who have gone before us into that good night. 

We didn't get any new snow, but that just makes my walks around the neighborhood easier - don't want any falls dislodging any of the hardware in my back! There are quite a few new renters on my street and not as many decorations as I've seen in the past but these two put a smile on my face - and they are lighted up at night!

And there have been deer browsing behind our row of townhouses and yesterday I noticed one reason why. There is quite the apple tree a few houses down from me and it is still just loaded with apples which the deer obviously love. Sorry not to get a better picture but it's this cheap cell phone of mine . . .

The one was in a staring contest with me while the other soon fled back into the bushes - look at that white tail warning!

So peace to you all! Don't forget to put your feet up and relax, go for a long walk, enjoy any visitors you might have, and maybe sneak in a little creative endeavor. Mine will be knitting on that sock - I've just turned the heel!

Merry Christmas !!!


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    What a lovely Christmas-y look to your neighborhood! We have a small herd of deer living in our hayfield. What the apples start dropping off the trees in the back yard they all jump over the fence to help themselves.
    We had an unexpected snowstorm on Saturday so our roads were like ice skating rinks Sunday & Monday. Way too much food & lots of fun both days & I hope you had a nice Christmas doing exactly what you wanted. Look comes 2024, ready or not! Jan in WY

  2. Well, I'm probably not ready for 2024 but I'm not feeling as depressed about it as I was earlier in the month! New Years are always a chance for new beginnings!

    The worst our local weather could throw at us was some freezing fog, and well, just a lot of dense fog in general. And then wouldn't you know it, the day after Christmas, we wake up to a light snow - sure made all the trees so pretty! Glad you had a good fun Christmas!
